3 ( Nayeon )

210 7 1

Nayeon's POV

I'm not actually sick, I just hate school. Yesterday was the first day of school ever. My classmates were weird. They didn't give me any room to breathe at all. They would all ask for pictures or autographs after class. Some of them were even staring at me during class. Ugh.. weirdos.

I get out of my room to realize that the other members left already. I guess it's only Y/N and I for today and possibly tomorrow.

I eat some cereal for breakfast while I scroll through my phone. A lot of my schoolmates sent me friend requests on my account. I declined all of them, but they can request again once they actually become friends and not weird stalkers. 

"You're awake" I heard someone say. I turned around and it was Y/N. 

"Yeah, want to eat together?" I asked. He nodded and sat beside me. 

"How was yesterday?" he asked me.

"Bad, I got sick and my classmates were really annoying. I also hate how my first day of school had academics, but I guess that's the bad part about starting late. I mean who has lessons on the first week of school the fuck?" I said.

He chuckled while he ate his cereal. He actually laughed. I mean only a chuckle, but didn't Chaeyoung say he had depression? 

"Are you feeling better?" I asked. He then looked at me, confused. I guess he is since he doesn't even know what I'm asking about.

"Oh, yeah. My head feels better and I've recovered from the accident" he replied. Stupid, I was asking about your  depression.

"Great, I hope your sister can get discharged soon, anyway what do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"Do you want to do something fun? Like maybe video games or watch something on your big TV?" he suggested.

"Sure, but I'll go swimming after we watch for a couple of minutes." I said.

"You're sick though, that would make you feel cold". He's really nice to be honest. I don't want to tell him I'm not sick because he might give my lie away

"No, I can handle myself. It'll be quick. I finish my cereal and put my stuff in the sink. I then went to the living room to turn on the TV. I sat down while scrolling through shows on Netflix we could watch together.

"Hey Y/N! Do you wanna watch "You"? The new season is out" I said.  I heard him scream yes from the Kitchen so I had the show prepared. In the meantime, I check out Y/N's social media. I know nothing about this guy. Sure he's Dahyun's sister, but that doesn't mean he isn't a weirdo. His account is really quiet. He never posts. His bio is just "depressed" like what am I supposed to get from this guy. I'll just have to trust him I guess.

Suddenly, he walks into the living room. I immediately turn off my phone and unpause the show. We watched the first episode, but it was quite awkward. We didn't talk since I didn't know if I could trust him yet.

"Alright, I'll go swimming now" I said while I walked to my room to get changed. I didn't want to wear anything revealing so I just put on dolphin shorts and a black t-shirt. I went back downstairs to see him still watching TV. This time he was watching anime, but I didn't bother to ask him about it. I went inside the pool and swam for a couple minutes

Eventually, he walked up to me in the pool.

"Yes?" I asked. He had this look in his eyes as if he was hypnotized.

"Hello? Y/N?" I asked again. He just nodded and sat down on the tanning bench.

"I'm just here to chat since I'm bored" he said while he was scrolling through his phone.

The way he's holding his phone, it's obvious he's taking a picture. He's making it look like he's using social media, but clearly he hasn't done this before.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" I asked him trying not to raise suspicion. He looked at me with hesitation. Busted, I knew he wasn't using his phone. 

"Just... scrolling" he said nervously. Dumbass. He actually thinks I haven't seen this trick done by fans?

"You're not fooling me Y/N. I know you're taking a picture" I said. He looks at me with confusion.

"What? I would never. That's just weird" he replied. 

"You're a bad liar, but why are you taking a picture? Do... you.. like me?" I asked. He was shocked by my sudden statement. I know what I'm doing. Playing with his feelings a bit should show his true colors.

He started bursting into laughter. 'What the fuck? This guy is the weirdest person I've met' I said to myself. 

"Me?? I like you? Don't get me wrong, you're pretty, but I would never fall in love when I can't even love myself" he replied while continuing to laugh. I guess this is his true personality. He's really depressed and is extremely honest. Seems like he's also unstable and doesn't have full control of himself. 

"You know, I can help you with your depression" I said seductively as a last attempt to find his true personality. I pull myself out of the pool. I intentionally avoid the stairs and use the ladder to make myself look more attractive. He stares at me with his hypnotized eyes again. Did I get him this time?

"What do you say Y/N?" I whispered into his ear seductively. 

"How can you help me exactly?" he asked. I smile inside knowing that I've pulled him into the trap. 

"Well, I'm not too familiar with therapy and all, but I know other ways that can pleasure you" I said. I then started to rub his arm trying to pull his true self out of him.

"The fuck are you doing?" he asked while pushing me away. He then stood up and looked at me with disgust.

"What are you on about?" he asked, irritated. He's not taking the bait. I guess he isn't one of those creepy people. I've made a mistake.

"Sorry, I was just out of my head" I excused. He bought it though and just sat down on the sofa.

I then dry myself while thinking of a way to make him forget this happened. 

"Y/N, sorry for what I said. I'm not that kind of person. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I asked. I need to get on his good side so he won't mention this ever.

"Umm... yes, start calling me oppa from now on. I find it disrespectful that you don't call your elder, oppa" he said. Is he fucking serious? Does he have a weird fetish. Does he like it when people call him oppa?

"Fine, oppa" I said while rolling my eyes. I then went back to my room to change. I guess I can trust Y/N, but I'm not sure if I can befriend him. 

I went back downstairs and Y/N was eating lunch. I decided to just join him and talk to him a bit.

"So, are you a fan?" I asked. He nodded while continuing to eat his sandwich

"You guys, I think at least, are the reason my body doesn't let me die. Do you find it weird that I don't have full control of myself?" he asked. I could tell, but he tried to commit suicide? I feel kind of bad now that I was being really mean to him. I guess I should try to befriend him. He doesn't seem creepy and he didn't even fall for my trap.

"You know Y/N... oppa, I think we could be great friends" I said. We then continued to chat until the others got back home. Y/N is really nice to talk to, but he does suffer from mood swings. The moment I asked about family he became mad at me. 

"How's your family? Like are you guys ok from the accident?" I asked.

"Please, shut up. Don't ever mention my family ever again" he replied. I didn't know he has a soft spot for his family.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were sensitive about that" I replied. He's still mad from the looks of it. 

"Look, I'm sorry. What do you want me to do about it?! Stop ignoring me YAH!" I exclaimed. He just ignored me and walked away. 

"Nayeon unnie, what did you say to Y/N? He's pretty pissed off" Jihyo asked me.

 "I just asked about his family and he reacted like that". She shook her head and went upstairs with the others. Damn, Y/N really doesn't like that I mentioned that. I want to apologize, but my ego and pride will be hurt severely. When I apologized awhile ago, my pride was already shattered. No way, I'll get a compliment from one of the members, so I'll try to get one from Y/N.

I go to his room and knock, " Y/N, I want to apologize can I come in?" I asked.

He unlocked it, but he was still mad at me. I walk in and sat down beside him on his bed. His room seems neat, but he's only stayed here for a day. 

"Sorry about what I said. Can I make it up to you?" I asked. I already know what I'm gonna do to get a compliment from him. 

"It's fine, I forgive you. Also, you don't have to do anything, just call me oppa" He replied. Well too bad, I still need that compliment. I stood up and attempted to get one from him.

"Y/N oppa, do you want to go downstairs together?" I asked while doing aegyo. He just looked at me with disgust and burst in to laughter. 

"HAHAHAHA, what are you doing?" he asked as he pulled me back to sit down. He's just laughing at me now. My ego, my pride, he's completely shattered it. I'm starting to get pissed off now. He just laughed at me?

Suddenly he leaned towards me, our faces inches away from each other.

"Nayeon, do you want a compliment? Are you currently fishing for one since you apologized to me twice today?" he asked with a smirk. I blush unconsciously and he suddenly whispers to my ear.

"You're very pretty up close" he whispered as I felt his breath on my neck.

I stand up and look at him while my cheeks are burning red.

"There, that's your compliment. I learned that close up trick from Sana" he said as he jumped to lie down on his bed. I walk out, still shocked from what he just did. I got my compliment, but at that cost. Whatever it's worth it. Y/N isn't one of those weirdos anyway. It's not like he'll have lewd fantasies about that moment. 

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