8 ( Memories )

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She replied?

"Y/N, why? why did you do it?" she asked in the message.

Before I could reply, she sent another message...

"Fuck you. Stay away from us"

I'm not surprised that she hates me to be honest. Am I hurt? Yes, but I've gotten used to this. I wish I never made that mistake. 

W-Wait, why are my eyes tearing up? I can't control myself. My tears burst out even though I don't have the will to cry.

I can't stop crying, but for some reason. I want to keep crying. 

Nayeon... I'm sorry.

(Next Day)

I wake up and realize that I'm late for school. It doesn't matter though, I don't want to go to school today.

I get up and get changed. I want to go to the hospital and ask about my condition. 

I do my usual routine,  and head out to the nearest hospital. I don't remember what the hospital is called, but I assume I went to the closest one to the grocery. I ask for our driver to take me there, but this feels different. I don't recall having a driver, but here I am being to hospital by one.

Eventually, we arrive and I ask for an appointment. Sadly, I'll have to wait until an open time slot. While waiting, I check my social media. None of the members were following me except Dahyun. Nayeon also has me blocked. As expected, I won't be able to talk to her ever again. I bet she even deleted my number. I don't know what to do with my life now. Do I just give up like I always do?

"Y/N? It's time for your appointment". 

I stand up and enter the doctor's office. This doctor looks familiar, but I know I haven't seen him anywhere before.

"So, what's the problem?" he asks.

"I'm slowly losing my memory. Just last night, I forgot what happened in my car accident a couple of days ago. I even forgot what I did that day".

"Do you remember anything before that day?" he asks.

Now that I think of it, no. I don't remember what happened clearly, but I know I went to school like usual. I just can't remember the details clearly. 

"No, I don't remember what specifically happened on the days prior"

"Well, I don't think that's supposed to happen. If anything you should have lost your memory during the accident and not last night. We'll have to get you checked up".

I nod my head, but as I blink, I realize I'm outside of the hospital.

"What? I was just inside a second ago. How did I get here?"

"Y/N, are we ready to leave? How was your appointment?" my driver asked. 

Nothing even happened, at least I don't recall anything happening. This is getting serious. Is this short term memory loss? I still remember what the doctor said though. I only forgot about the test they gave me.

I just get inside the car and ask to be brought to TWICE's dorm. 

Minutes later, we arrive. The place was quiet, but everyone is in school.

"Y/N oppa, what are you doing here?" Dahyun asked me.

"Eh? I missed school, so I'm gonna go back to bed" I reply.

"Y/N, you're not allowed here. If the others see you they'll surely get mad. Please leave before they get back" she said.

"What? Why would they get mad? They invited me here"

Why is my sister spewing nonsense? 

"Y/N, h-how could you forget already? You hurt Nayeon literally yesterday!" she exclaimed worriedly.

Right, I remember now. I kissed Tzuyu and broke Nayeon. Why am I here then, how did I forget about my mistake. 

"Is there something going on? Your memory is-- "

"I know, I don't know why. I went to the doctor already, but I already forgot what test they gave me. I don't even know what condition I have" I interrupted.

"What?? You were fine yesterday. How did you suddenly start losing memories?" she asked.

"I honestly don't know. Please help me sis." I begged.

Suddenly, she disappeared. I was still in the middle of the lobby, but Dahyun wasn't there.

The front doors open and Nayeon walks in with the other members. I don't understand, wasn't her school gonna last for a couple more hours? Why is she back and where did Dahyun go?

"Y/N, why are you here?" Jihyo asks me. She's clearly pissed off. The others try to avoid looking at me while Nayeon and Tzuyu are both uncomfortable. I didn't know they would arrive early.

"I left something in my room and I came to get it" I lie to not get scolded. They weren't buying it, but they still let me go into my room.

The room was completely different. It changed not only in interior, but even the shape and size of the room. How did it change in a short period of time?

I walk out of the room pretending to hold something when Tzuyu walks up to me.

"Y/N oppa, please don't leave. I've been waiting for you to wake up" she says.

Wake up? What kind of metaphor is that.

"Tzuyu, what do you mean by wake up?"

"Oppa, please... come back" she begs as she starts to cry. Why though? Does she like me?

"I'm sorry, but I have to go" I say as I hold both of her hands. 

I look back and see that I was holding Nayeon's hands. She's the one crying.


What. The. Fuck.

How is this happening? I was just talking to Tzuyu awhile ago. 

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN" she continues as I let go of her hands and slowly back away. 

This isn't real. I need to wake up. I'm in a nightmare. Wake up Y/N.

I don't know how to wake up in a dream like this. This is terrifying. Nayeon continues to curse at me as I run out of the house. 

I finally reach outside, but... this isn't the same place. The entire world has changed. What kind of fucking nightmare is this. I need to die. 

How though? My body will just stop me right when it's about to happen.

In that case...

Nayeon needs to kill me

I run back inside to see Nayeon sobbing on the floor. I pull her up and bring her to the kitchen. 

"Kill me now" I order as I hand her the knife. She looks at me with confusion and worry. She doesn't want to kill me, I can tell.

"Y/N, I-I can't. I will never kill you. I don't care how much you hurt me. I can't kill someone I love."

"Please, I need to wake up from this nightmare" I beg.

"What? Y/N, I know I treated you harshly, but this isn't a nightmare. I'm sorry if I have made it that way, but I was hurt. Can you blame me?"

"No, this is entirely my fault. It's my fault I caused this, but please. I need to return to reality"

"Y/N I CAN'T. I LOVE YOU" she screams as she continues to cry. 

What if she isn't lying? What if this is reality? No, I know this isn't real. Please just kill me already.

I pull her hand towards me. The knife pierces my stomach.

Shit, I'm not waking up. I can feel this. Was she right? Is this reality? 

I fall to the floor while the pain is overwhelming my body. I can't move, this is too painful.

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