9 ( Reality )

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I wake up and see my self in a hospital bed. Did I actually get stabbed? How did I end up here?

"Y/N oppa! You're awake!" Nayeon says as she gets up from her chair. The others were also here except Dahyun.

"Where's Dahyun?" I ask. The others suddenly lose their smiles. Something's wrong though. Their faces weren't smiling naturally. It's as if they were faking those smiles anyway.

"She... she's dead" Sana said as she started to tear up. 

How. How is she dead. I spoke to her on the day I got stabbed.

"That's not funny. Where is she? I spoke to her before I got stabbed. We even picked her up from the hospital right? Right?" I ask

They didn't answer and just looked sad. They're lying. She isn't dead. 

"She died during the car accident. Only you survived" Jeongyeon assured.

"So... I was asleep the whole time? I was asleep because of the car accident right?" I asked.

Again, no one dared to reply. Are they hiding something?

"Why is no one saying anything? I would actually be happier if all that happened was a nightmare".

"Y/N, it was all real. Everything from you going to our dorm to you getting stabbed" Nayeon said as she held my hand.

"You were talking to someone according to the housekeepers. When they checked on you, you were talking to yourself inside of Dahyun's room and inside of your own room as well. They said that you were talking as if you were in a real conversation with someone. You were calling that person 'Dahyun'. You even ran into the dorm and started speaking to yourself in the lobby" she explained.

"No...no, I was speaking to Dahyun. You guys... Tzuyu, you spoke to Dahyun right? You told her about the thing I stole". 

"Y/N oppa, I never spoke to Dahyun about. You accused me of telling her, but she was already dead at that time" she replied

"You were shocked that I caught you lying. You even admitted to telling her" I say.

"Y/N oppa... that never happened. You don't remember? I kept saying that she was gone, but you didn't listen and kept saying things that didn't match our conversation. Then, you suddenly kissed me. I kissed back because I liked you as well back then".

So, all the times I spent with Dahyun was my imagination. Things they said about her were also just fake? How did I get fooled by my own imagination like that?

"Y/N... you're suffering from a mental illness. You're having hallucinations and amnesia. It was caused by the car accident, but apparently it only took place when you went to our dorm" Jihyo explained.

Nayeon started to burst into tears. This what they were hiding. I'm sick, mentally.

Why... why is this happening to me? Have I not suffered enough?

"We're sorry" Nayeon says.

How am I so sure that they aren't hallucinations as well. Might as well kill them to be sure. 

"Y/N, I can't... bear to say goodbye again. Please don't leave" Nayeon said.

"Why would I leave? I don't have anywhere to go." I ask, but again, no one was willing to reply.

Don't tell me... I'm dying.

"I'm dying right?" I asked and the atmosphere became dreadful.

Only Jihyo nodded while the others were clearly too devestated.

"Why? Why do I have to die when I actually wanted to start living?!"

"Y/N... no matter how much pain you bring me, or how much pain you're suffering. I'll still love you" Nayeon says.

Tears start to form in my eyes. Is life really this cruel?

"How much time do I have?"

"A couple of weeks. Your sickness is developing quickly"

That's not enough time..


It's been 2 weeks since the incident and my sickness is getting worse. I've been seeing hallucinations of Nayeon and Dahyun. I only realize they're hallucinations when I try to get physical contact. The members visit me everyday after their classes. 

I've accepted that I'll die soon. I just wish I could stay with TWICE for longer. 

It's time for their visit again, but they haven't arrived yet. I've been waiting for 30 minutes already, but the room is still quiet.

Minutes, Hours eventually pass and no one has arrived yet. Are they busy? Did they forget?

Suddenly someone walks in, it's the nurse.

"Excuse me, is no one visiting me today?" I ask

"Visitors? What do you mean?" she replies.

Don't tell me... No... they're real.

"TWICE, they come to visit me everyday, do they not?" I ask. Please don't tell me...

"Oh, them. Right, I don't know, but I guess they're busy today. If you ever need company though, I'll be willing to stay" she assures. 

Thankfully, they're real. If I can't spend the rest of my life with Nayeon, then I might as well die right now. I'll just meet them tomorrow, I guess. It's not like I have limited time anyway.

I was wrong... they didn't visit me the next day. They didn't visit me for this entire week. 

They've forgotten about me. No, Nayeon promised to be with me all the time. She wouldn't forget. Wait... did she say that? Fuck, I can't remember what she said. 

I just lie down... waiting for someone to visit me. Only the nurse visits me every meal time or when I need to take my medication, and each time she does, I ask if someone came to visit.

Still no though... no visitors.

I spend my time waiting for them to come back. Please... just... I want to see Nayeon once more at least. 

Suddenly, the nurse enters again. 

"You have visitors" she says.

I turn around to see Nayeon, she's by herself.

"Y/N... I'm sorry for not visiting" she says as hugs me.

"It's fine, but I'm grateful that I get to see you again" I reply.

"I...I need to start working again. The company is making us prepare for a comeback. I'll be studying at day and working at night. I'm really sorry" she says.

"Does that mean... this is your last visit?" I ask as I began to tear up

"No... I'll find a way. I'll find a way to cure you. I promise. Just stay alive while I'm gone".

"I'll be waiting. You promise, don't break it" I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"I won't. I have to go now though. I begged our manager to stop by at the hospital. The others are waiting for me downstairs" she says

She then kisses me. I got caught off guard. This is our first kiss.

"Bye, Y/N" she then leaves as the nurse leads her out. 

I'll be waiting again, Nayeon.

Another Word for Paradise, You ( Nayeon X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now