7 ( Why? )

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"W-Wha-What's going on here?" Nayeon asks with a shaky voice. There's nothing, but pain in her eyes. 

"Y-Y/N, I thought you said..." she's too shocked to even speak properly. I'm sorry. It's not what you think. I just got carried away.

Suddenly she bursts into tears and she runs out of the room. 

"Nayeon unnie!" Tzuyu calls, but Nayeon continues to run away. This is my fault.

"Y/N oppa, I'm sorry. I should have not messed with your stuff" Tzuyu says. 

"N-No, this is my fault. I should have not taken it and I should not have kissed you".

"Nayeon unnie likes you, she told us and I kissed you even though I knew about her feelings for you" she says. I've made a mess. Tzuyu, this is my fault. 

"I know, she told me awhile ago lunch. I like her as well. I don't know what got into me" I reply.

I walk out of the room full of guilt. Dahyun runs towards me and asks, 

"Oppa, what happened? Why did Nayeon run out crying?"

"It's my fault. I played with her feelings" I reply.

"What?! Are you stupid?! You haven't even returned what you stole, idiot!" she exclaimed.

"I know! I'm making things worse for you guys. This is all because I stayed over. It's probably time for me to leave now. I doubt Nayeon would want me living under the same room as her".

I go downstairs to look for Nayeon. I want to at least apologize.

I look all around the house, but she was no where to be found. Where could she be?

I eventually stumble upon Momo and ask her.

"Have you seen Nayeon anywhere?"

She just ignores me. Is she mad at me as well?

"Momo, don't ignore me. Have you seen Nayeon?" I ask again.

"No, and she doesn't want to see you. I don't know what you did, but she said it was your fault" she replied.

This is getting worse. Soon enough everyone here will hate me as well. I should probably just leave. 

I go back upstairs and start packing my things. 

"Y/N oppa, what's going on? Why are in a rush to pack your things?" Mina asks me.

I just ignore her and continue to pack my stuff. I don't know why I feel so hesitant to leave though. Each thing  I put in my bag comes with hesitation. It's as if I don't want to leave. It would be better for Nayeon if I just leave.

"Y/N, you can't leave" Mina says as she blocks the door.

"It would be better for everyone if I leave" I say. She doesn't understand, but it's better that she doesn't.

"You can't Y/N. Don't go" she insists.

"Give me a good reason to why I should stay!" I say frustratingly

"Nayeon unnie likes you!" she says.

Of course, something  I already knew. I unconsciously start to laugh at her exclaim.

"I know. I have to leave because she doesn't anymore. I made a mistake" I say as I push her out of the way. I as well, wish it hadn't come to this. 


I leave their dorm and walk back to my house. I need to at least apologize though. I guess messaging her is enough for now. I'll apologize tomorrow at school.

I arrive back home and I immediately apologize to Nayeon

"I know you won't forgive me. I made the dumbest mistake. I'm sorry. I should not have played with your feelings. I like you, I wasn't lying when I said that"

I send the message and just lie down on my bed. Life has lost meaning again. I had hope and a chance to finally be happy, but I just throw it away for a kiss. A kiss with their maknae. What the fuck is wrong with me. Out of all the people I could have kissed, I chose someone really close to her. One of her best friends.

I should apologize to Tzuyu as well. I brought this mess onto them

"Tzuyu, I don't even know where to begin. What I did back then was stupid. I shouldn't have kissed you when I had already told my feelings to Nayeon. I'm sorry for bringing such misfortune upon you guys" 

I begin to unpack my things to pass some time. It's different not having someone to talk to when I'm bored.


I don't know how to return this now. There's no way I can just hand it one of them and I doubt my sister is willing to do me a favor. I guess I'll just have to keep it with me.

Time passes and it's late in the night. Nayeon hasn't read my message, but Tzuyu already replied. She said that it's also her fault, but I know she's saying that so I don't blame myself too much. 

How did it get to this situation? It was all because I was taken to the hospital. Wait, why was I taken to the hospital? How can I not remember what the fuck. I think I'm losing my memory. Wasn't it because we went outside that day? Shit, but where did we go to and what happened?

Why am I can't  I remember why? It's been less than a week, but I can't remember. I need help.

I immediately message Dahyun, but as I look through our past messages. They're blank? She hasn't changed her number so there should be history here. What's happening?!

"I need help Dahyun, I can't remember what happened on the day we were brought to the hospital" I message her. Seconds later, she replies.

"What? How could you forget you idiot? I'm pretty sure it was a car crash"

Right, it was a car crash. Where were we going to though? 

"Do you know where we were going to?" I ask.

"Yes, we were on our way home from the grocery store". 

I remember now, the grocery store where I met Jihyo right? Where she gave me her number. No wait, I can only remember that they were short, but that could have also been Chaeyoung.

Why are my problems piling up?! I need to ask someone about this tomorrow. I'll visit the hospital tomorrow and ask a doctor. For now, I need to go to sleep. 

Suddenly my phone dings. A notification. The message is from... 


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