11. Attack

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Georgina said goodbye to us soon after that to spy upon Jackson. I rolled my eyes playfully when she left. What a romantic.

I wish I could say the same for Sarah. The whole time while the three of us (not Sarah) were talking, she was looking off somewhere else, not at all engaged in what any of us had to say.

I tried to add her into the conversation, but it was hard to do when she was more interested in the dancing couples than the conversation. She was moving her feet to the music for the next dance, thinking we wouldn't notice. We did, but again, we didn't say anything.

In the end, I left to use the bathroom, but instead of coming back, I went outside for a breath of fresh air. I went out the backdoor through the kitchen to avoid being seen by one of my hosts or my parents. The kitchen staff was far too busy to notice me sneak out. I was glad about that.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I stepped off the porch that ran along the perimeter of the house. It wasn't cold enough to see my breath, but I wasn't wearing a heavy enough dress coat to not shiver.

I stood there for a moment, looking up at the sky. If there was one difference between the city and the country, it was that you could most definitely see the stars out here. They were beautiful, perfect. I breathed a sigh. I told myself that everything would be alright. I would get a job and I would officially make my own money. Maybe then, everything would make sense.

I picked a star, a bright one. I focused all my might on it. I closed my eyes.

Dear Star, make everything alright. Let everything be as it should be in the end. I wish only that. That it all will have an end.

I took a small walk. It was just around the property. I would be back soon; I promised myself I would, but there was the matter of Jamie.

I turned around, but he saw me. I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Isaac!" He said. "Isaac! My God, how are ye?"

"Jamie," I said, bitterly. If he heard my tone, then he ignored it, but that didn't stop the turning in my stomach.

My mother's words rang in my ears:

Stay away, Isaac, stay away from him.

I tried to calm my nerves. He was nothing more than a man that faced troubles like all of us, only he handled it through drinking. And it was cold, where was his coat? He didn't have one. He must have left it at home.

"Jamie, are you alright?"

"Ha! Why wouldn't I be? How have ye been, my boy? How have ye been?"

"Jamie, are you drunk?"

"Drunk. Drunk is a funny word, don't ye think? Drunk, drunk, drunk."

I caught a whiff of his breath. It reeked of alcohol. That much was clear. I had an idea then.

"Let me take you home. Let me take you home, Jamie. You're drunk. You need to go home," I said, trying to balance him as he staggered forward.

"No! No! I don't want to go home! I want to see my children! And that wife of mine! That whore! Let me see her!"

"No, Jamie. You're drunk. Let's go home. Let's get you home, Jamie."

"I don't want to go home, dammit! Get the hell off me!" He pushed me, almost tripping, but managing to get back on my feet. I tried a different approach. I talked from a distance. I tried to make whatever sense I could make to this intoxicated man.

"You don't want your wife and children to be embarrassed do you, Jamie? You don't want to be embarrassed yourself, do you?"

Truth was, I didn't even know if his wife and children were in there or not, but they were the only thing I had to calm him down.

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