15. A New Request

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I changed the topic after that, and Daniel didn't stop me. His smile had faded and I had got him to what he was before. I didn't know if I made the right decision or not.

Soon, the sky grew dark and I looked at my watch. The clock read five and I advised Daniel that we should be getting back. He agreed, and we started on our way home. We stayed silent on our walk home and I confessed to Daniel that I very much missed him. He told me that he was flattered. I told him that I could stay with him tomorrow instead of going to work, and he asked if Dr. Glass would be angry if I did so.

"You're probably right," I said. The conversation stopped after that as we came close to the inn. It was almost six and dinner was just now being served. I suggested that we could at least eat together if anything, and he told me alright.

I hadn't seen everybody's face for so long. I don't know if Daniel ever came down for any meals, but because I was working so much, I grabbed my meals wherever I could, even if it was stealing a cookie off of Dr. Glass's plate. When I sat at the table, Miss Quil smiled at us. She told us that it was such a joy to have us come back down after such a long time.

So, Daniel hadn't been at the table, huh?

The men and women's faces were the same as they always had: indifferent, except with the few exceptions that were interested in the lives that were mine and Daniel's, one of which were Miss Mary Combs and her sister, who smiled when they saw us.

"Mr. Taylor, Mr. Darlington, it's very nice to have you back at our table, isn't it, Jane?" Jane nodded her head in agreement. 

"Yes, very nice."

"Thank you. It feels good to finally sit down to a meal," I said, placing the napkin in my lap.

"How are you this evening, Mr. Taylor?" asked Mary.

"Very well, thank you," Daniel said, starting on his meal. We all followed him as if to avoid the awkwardness that found its way to us after only a few moments.

"How is work, Mr. Darlington? I trust that you are on your way to being certified?" Miss Quil asked, picking at her meal.

I chewed and swallowed before I answered. "Yes. My advisor says that I am doing well in the field. The only thing I suppose left for him top do is sign the papers saying that I'm ready to work for myself. Then, I need to find a job."

"Oh, will you stay in this part of the neighborhood? Perhaps work here. You know I am getting old. It is quite handy to have a practitioner close by."

"Yes, that would be most convenient," Jane had said. "Especially when it is someone you've already come to know to look after you."

Jane was smiling at me kindly and I could not help but think it was sweet. She did have a nice smile. I didn't understand how she could be related to such a bitch that was her sister. 

I smiled back. "Thank you, but I haven't decided where it is I want to work. Now that the war is over, I trust that hospitals will open up to new doctors as they need extra hands. I suppose it is good timing on my part to come into the profession." I laughed at that, but no one else did. I went back to eating my meal.

"So I trust that you've decided not to move back to your old town?" Daniel had said, putting a carrot into his mouth. I turned to glance at him. It was the first time he had asked me a real question regarding my work, even so, he should have known the answer to that by now.

"No, I feel like there is much more opportunity here in New York."

"Where did you say you were from, Mr. Darlington? I apologize, I forget," Miss Quil said.

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