Chp. 2 - Fortunate Coincidences

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"Today it got leaked, that on their "USA Royalty Tour" through out the whole of America, Logically Royal member Roman Prince, fell and injured his ankle during their consert in Boise, Idaho. As rumours say; the marketing team wants to stop the tour and reschedule it, until he is fully recovered. - The footage went viral, after it was filmed during the performance, it seemed like he took a stand too far off and thought of as part of the show- which only moments later revealed not to be true...."

Patton, Janus and Virgil looked in shock at the TV, as the reporter talked about it and showed the video.

"Patton, I'm so sorry-"
The dark, dirty blond started, but he only got hushed.

"It's okay,... I mean, I always tell you it's the thought that counts, right? And I'm still so happy that you wanted to do this for me! Really I am!"
He smiled, but his eyes where dull.

"Dad... It's gonna be alright, ya hear me? Jan and I will think of something. Something better!"
Virgil hugged him tightly, to which he reserved a head pat.

"It's really fine, pal. Thank you anyway for going to those lengths."
Patton said endeared, that his family wanted to fix it.
"Here, how about that: we close up the shop early today and we're going into town and make ourselves a nice evening anyway, yeah?"
He glanced between his son and cousin, who nodded slowly.
"Alright then... Now, Janus head to bed you've been working today, over time even. Virgil, get yourself ready for school, Thomas and Remy will be here any minute now. I'm downstairs, preparing the shop, if you need me."
He smiled at them, then ruffled the dark boy's hair and went to work.

Down stairs, Patton was sweeping the floors, cleaning it  for the café to open, whilst humming along to the radio. Which ironically enough, played one of the songs of their new album. And so he hummed, cleaned and sunk away in his thoughts...

Of course it was deflating, but there was nothing he could do about it. But to be quite honest, he had his suspicions and was mostly worried about that guy. From interviews he could always feel this aura of happiness radiating through the screen from them.
And so he was lost in his thoughts, before he was ripped out by chimes sounding like a shooting star-
He got a message from Lo!

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@ StarLord25
Good morning, I hope you slept well?

@ StarLord25
I can't wait to see you in four days, at the concert.

Logan could not help but feel a little smile rise, thinking about Patton. His energetic way, while definitely tiring, was still very fun and entertaining. And even if Logan himself would not have wanted to admit it up straight, but-
Remember their new album, that was released at the same time as their tour, to raise the sells? Yes, the one where half of the songs where about Pat- I mean about a crush, they have. Had. For, uh, selling points...

"Awww look! He's texting his boyfriend again!"
Roman gushed, sitting at the table. His ankle still a little swollen, but the ice pack and pure will power to be able to perform for his brother to finally get his Boyfriend was enough motivation.

"He is not my partner. We are merely friends-"
He pushed his glasses up a little, they'd been sliding down slightly from time to time, due to some shaking of their tour bus, on their way to their next location, aka, to Patton's birthday consert.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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