Chapter 2

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"You know I hate this area" she whispered glancing out the window and back to me.

I glanced out of the window as we passed the old dingy apartment buildings. The street trashcans were overflowing with garbage, homeless people digging through them or urinating in a corner. A shiver ran down my spine as I stop at the light. I stared out at it.

"You have a lot on your mind. Talk" she demanded.

I looked over at her and gave her a gentle smile, "when I was in the bookstore I literally ran into Hades and his wife. He pretended not to know my, but I can't shake the feeling of how familiar the girl is, but she didn't seem to know me."

"No way! Well, that is kind of unusual but maybe you knew her from a past life or something." I laugh at her theory. Then the traffic lights turn green, and I drive off. I drove down a few more streets before I turned down one and pulled to a stop in front of our gated community. I put my code in and the gates opened. I drove past the first three houses and pulled into my driveway.

"Your dad is home" Liv says while pointing at his car in the street. I stare at the car and turn the engine off.

"He's not supposed to be home yet" I blurted. We looked at each other and jumped out of the car.

I grab my bags as Liv uses her key and opens the front door while I lock my car. I rush into the house.

"Uncle Cayden we're home" Liv yelled into the house following behind me.

My father appeared a second later from around the corner with flour all over his apron. "You girls are home early" he says happily

"You're, ok? What happened to the job interview?" I question

"Yes, I'm fine and I didn't go. Why are your shoes still on?" He says looking down at my feet.

"Sorry I was scared something happened to you and you've been baking" I mutter while taking my shoes off and going to kiss his cheek.

"Yup your favorite. Triple chocolate brownies" I dash into the kitchen and grab one from the steaming plate. Olivia gives him a side hug and follows behind me and grabs one as well. I turn to him, and he had a genuine smile on his face.

"How was school? And the bookstore?" he questioned while covering the plate up.

"Good" I replied quickly and Liv nods in agreement.

"Are you staying for dinner Livy" he questioned again. "No, I have to go home and help my parents get the house ready for Kairos's return. He's coming home Saturday. I actually should get going" she says while grabbing her books and bag.

"Text me as soon as you get home"

She nods and walk out the door to her house that has always been three houses down the street.

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