Brothers' Quarrel

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"Are you two fighting over something?" Mom asked as she placed the plates into the table.

"I don't know whatcha talkin' 'bout Mom... Why don't ye ask your other son?" Tsumu said without even looking at me.

Mom raised a brow and looked at me

"Mom..I.. We just had a little argu-"

"Because he's stupid." Tsumu continued.

I stared at him in disbelief.

"Atsumu... What are you blabbering about?" Mom asked again

"Ohhhh! Someone here is so insensitive, Mom..."

"But, Tsumu, you know that I..." I tried defending myself

"Blah! Blah! If your boyfriend isn't that kind, you probably had been alone all this time."

I stared at him in disbelief mouth wide open

"Ya aren't even thankful to Akaashi..."

"I am thankful alright!!!!! Why do you always say like I intended to hurt Keiji?!?! I am trying all I can, Tsumu!!!!" I shouted as I stood from my seat and caught Mom and Keiji's attention.

"Blah Blah Blah... Like that's gonna change anything at all! Your words are nothing.... because your actions say otherwise-...." he said frowning at me.

"Will you two stop fighting in front of the food!!!!" Mom yelled as she looked at us with furrowing brows

"If you two won't stop.... I'm telling you!!!! You wouldn't want me to tie you both on each other, would you!?!?!?!" she continued.

Mom usually do that when we were younger... Tying our hair or wrists together so all we could do is talk to each other... . to make sure we get along or solve our own problems...

I felt a soft touch from Keiji as he pulled me down back to my seat.

Mom looked agitated and mad...

Dad just sat down with us.

"What's goin' on?" He asked looking at all of us one by one

"Your sons are fighting..." Mom concluded.

"Really boys? In front of the food?? How disappointing..." Dad said calmly

"But.. Dad, Samu-" Tsumu tried to continu

"Yer in no right position to blame anyone, Atsumu..." Dad interjected and glance sharply at both of us.

Keiji just remained quiet

We started eating afterwards.

After the awkward dinner filled with silence....

"You should talk it out, Atsumu, Osamu..." Dad suggested as he stood from the chair.
"Let's watch some movies?"

Dad is the calmer one between our parents. But, Tsumu and I are afraid of seeing him mad or disappointed.

He is kind- hearted and considerate... But he hates it seeing us grow apart or fight.... because he doesn't want us to suffer just like him and his twin, Uncle Sora..... who grew separately due to an argument... a childish argument as he refered to it...

We all nodded and went straight into the living room. Just then, the door bell rang.

Tsumu quickly run to the door and I followed him to see Sakusa-kun holding a bouquet of flower.

Keiji stood beside me as we watch them...

"Hi. Good evening, Tsumu... This... This is for you ..."

"You don't have to .... Omi-kun... Come in."

I wonder what happened... They seem to be going so well now... I'm happy actually.

When Tsumu and my eyes met, he looked away quickly and frown

"Something wrong, Tsumu?"

"No." he said and dragged Sakusa-kun into the living room without saying any words to me.

I just stood there dumbfounded.

I sighed and felt Keiji's hand into my shoulder

"You two will be okay.. Just give it time.." he said calmly

Keiji has always been this kind, and I'm feeling guilty for not reciprocating it. I sighed

"Keiji.. I..."

"Please, stop saying sorry.. Come on. Let's join them in the living room."

"O.. Okay..." I nodded as we back with the others

We bicker all the time, but Tsumu being like this hurts me, too... I miss teasing him or talking to him.... It's just so... lonely without him beside me...

I don't want this feeling....

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