Music and Mix Tapes

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Authors Note:
Hi all, this is not my first fic but it is my first time publishing on Wattpad! This fic is complete and caps off at 97k words, with most of the sequel already written as well. So expect regular updates!
Content warnings include substance abuse, mature themes, language, violence, and mental health issues. Take care of yourselves and feel free to ask me if you want more detailed content warnings with spoilers.
Also please note that I in no way support JKR or her transphobia.
Comments of any kind are deeply appreciated, long or short! Enjoy the story <3

Remus Lupin had experienced two great loves in his life, and both of them began with a kiss from Sirius Black.

The first was when he was 16. The summer before their final year at Hogwarts Sirius came to stay at Remus’ home in lieu of a joining the Potters on their visit to James’ Grandfather’s estate. Of course, Sirius had been more than welcome to come, as the Potter’s had repeatedly insisted. He knew they meant it too, but when Remus extended his alternative offer Sirius couldn’t bring himself to pass up the opportunity. He was not at all influenced by the knowledge that Peter was spending the summer abroad with his family and thus had surely turned down the invitation just as James had been forced to do, meaning it would be just Remus and Sirius alone. Alone for a whole week before the two of them both returned to James’ for the rest of the summer.

Remus, of course, most certainly did not pick these exact dates specifically for this reason. He just wanted to see his friends. All his friends, equally. So, maybe he hadn’t been harboring a massive crush on James and Peter since he was 15, but since Sirius would never go for someone like him anyway it hardly mattered. In fact, Remus wasn’t even totally sure Sirius went for boys at all. He’d only had the one girlfriend as far as Remus knew, and a few minor dalliances with some others. He was a massive flirt with damn near everyone, but that didn’t necessarily mean much. It didn’t matter. They all knew perfectly well that Remus was gay and Sirius had never shown an ounce of interest regardless, so it clearly wasn’t an option. No, this was just a nice week between two close friends.

Remus sat anxiously watching the fireplace, awaiting his guest. His father popped his head around the wall from the kitchen, a little flour on his forehead. Lyall Lupin looked ever the picture of the gruff, working class Northerner, even as he asked his son if he thought his friend would prefer the purple or the red buttercream frosting on his cupcakes. Remus hadn’t the time to respond before the fireplace lit up with brilliant green flames. He shot up onto his feet, turning around and rifling quickly through the bookshelf to his left, as if he had been merely going about his day and not counting every second past midday that Sirius had been late. He didn’t catch his fathers’ smirk as he ducked back into the kitchen, leaving the boys alone for their reunion.

The flames died down and Sirius stepped out, brushing soot from his clothes. It seems he’d been able to update his wardrobe since moving in with the Potter’s. He wore ripped black jeans and a studded leather jacket, curly dark hair flowing down below his shoulders. Remus looked down at his own ripped jeans, which had gotten to be in such a state through time and wear. Somehow the look didn’t feel as chic on him as it was on Sirius. Not that Sirius seemed to notice as he dumped his bag on the floor and walked excitedly over to Remus, pulling him into a bear hug.

“Mate, you have no idea how good it is to see you. You know I love James like a brother but turns out living together without you or Peter means I have to listen to about 3 times as much heartsick pining over Lily. Driving me bloody mental.”

Sirius pulled out of the hug and stepped back, surveying his surroundings. Remus shuffled nervously. It was only a small house. More of a cottage really. It was all the space they needed for him and his father, but none of his friends had ever seen it before. It was run down, in need of some repairs. Not the kind of home any of them would have ever lived in themselves. Sirius, however, seemed delighted by it. The smell of cupcakes filled the air. Summer sunshine streamed in through the windows. There was love in this place.

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