Fix and Fall Apart

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Authors Note:
Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me! A massive thanks to everyone who commented or voted on this story, it means the world!
The sequel to this story is called Ascend and takes place during Order of the Phoenix! You can find it on my profile.
Thanks again, and enjoy :)


He made his way to the back of the bar, keeping his head low. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to try and talk to him. Just get in, get out, get what he needed. There was no time to think. If he allowed himself to think, to feel, he might be paralyzed forever.

“Remi! Haven’t seen you around here in ages,” called out Maddy from behind the bar.

He stopped in his tracks, sighing deeply. He turned around and walked over to her, plastering a smile onto his face.

“Hi Maddy. I like the new hair color,” he said, nodding towards her bright green spiky hairstyle.

“Aw, thanks!” she responded loudly over the music.

She had already grabbed a glass and was pouring a generous amount of vodka into it. She slid the drink over to him without bothering to ask if he wanted it.

“On the house,” she said with a wink. "You bring your hot boyfriend tonight?"

He stared down at the glass, feeling the weight of it in his hand. More than four months clean. Even longer than that since his last drink. He gripped the glass but did not bring it to his lips. That wasn’t what he had come here for.

“He's busy tonight. You seen Jack around?” he asked Maddy.

She grimaced at the name. She’d never been a big fan of Jack. He was a little too friendly with her. Still, he provided a service that she and many of the patrons benefited from. She pointed in the direction of the bathrooms. Remus nodded his thanks and headed to where she indicated, leaving the drink behind.

He rounded the corner and came face to face with Jack leaning casually against the wall just outside the men’s room. He stood up straight and opened his arms in a friendly gesture when he spotted Remus.

“Hey, man, long time no see,” he said in his cockney accent. “I was starting to think you’d left me for another man.”

“Very funny,” Remus deadpanned. “Can we just get this done?”

“Alright mate, you’re clearly in a shit mood but no need to be rude about it.”

Remus just stared expectantly. He had no desire to engage in banter. He just wanted to get out quickly.

“Fine. You after some H, I assume?” asked Jack.

Remus nodded. Jack reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small plastic baggie containing brown powder. He handed it over to Remus, who passed over cash in return. Jack had opened up his mouth to make some quip or another, but Remus turned and walked back out into the bar before he could get a word out.

He gave Maddy a quick wave as he passed and made his way outside without another word to anyone. He disappeared into the nearby alleyway, from which a loud crack was heard only moments later.

He could barley bring himself to cross the threshold into his- no, Sirius’- empty flat. This was not his home anymore. He had until he left for his mission in three days to pack his things, ready to move out as soon as he returned from Annabelle's commune. He had no idea where he was supposed to go.

He stepped inside, flicking on the light and gathering all the gear he needed. He tried not to hesitate. There were a million thoughts all swirling through his brain and he was doing everything in his power not to grab hold of a single one of them.

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