Love Languages

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Remus found his second great love during the war. With a kiss from Sirius he found the thing that would keep him warm in those long, hard years he did not yet know he would be facing alone.

After school, they’d all got a place together. A cramped share house with the Marauders and Lily and a steady stream of friends coming and going at all hours. It was incredible. A home that was always alive. Potluck dinners, wild parties, and lazy days with loving friends. Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadows in particular practically lived on their couch for a time. Bright eyed young revolutionaries that they were, every one of them volunteered themselves to the service of the Order of the Phoenix, with most of them having been personally approached by Dumbledore. For that first year the increasing reports of violence, disappearances, the encroaching fear of a growing war, it was almost exciting. Beneath the fear, there seemed to be this feeling, unspoken but shared between all of them to a certain degree. A feeling that they were untouchable.

James and Sirius were in Auror training, working under Alastor Moody himself at times. Moody wouldn’t tolerate even a hint of arrogance from his trainees. Of course, James and Sirius were both convinced of their own brilliance, ready to rush into any danger without a thought. They often complained that their superiors were holding them back because of their age. Insistent that they knew what they were doing. Peter, who had gotten an internship at the Ministry, often joined in their whining and only served to rile them up further. Lily on the other hand, (working in an apprenticeship with a renowned potioneer) had no qualms with calling them all idiots.

“He knows what he’s doing James, Moody’s a legend.”

“Of course he’s a legend Lil, but he treats Padfoot and I like we’re children!”

“You’re 18 James, you are children. You should be bloody thankful you got this position so young. They’re only taking on so many new recruits because of the war.”

Remus never participated in these often heated exchanges, though if asked directly, he made no secret of being on Lily’s side. James and Sirius quickly stopped asking for his input.

As the year progressed, Remus found himself increasingly disengaging with any discussions around work. At first it didn’t bother him. He was genuinely delighted to see his friends doing so well in their budding careers. Every one of them deserved it and worked hard at what they did. As the months dragged on, however, and he was still unable to find steady work, it became harder and harder not to feel left behind. This was not made any easier by sympathetic reassurances his friends felt the need to ply him with every time the topic came up.

The truth is, he had been somewhat spoiled by his time at Hogwarts. In the confines of the school he had almost come to believe that it was possible for him to have something like a normal life, to participate in wizarding society as if he belonged. It became quickly apparent that this had been a fantasy. The rest of the world was not Hogwarts, and his potential employers were not Dumbledore. His name was on the Werewolf Registry with the Department of Magical Creatures. While he could keep his secret from the general public, the disclosure laws meant that employers could access this information with ease. Any work at the Ministry was, by law, impossible, which nullified most of the connections that could have given him a boost. He had several job interviews go very well over those first six months. Not a single one had contacted him past the background check stage of recruitment. Never mind his exceptional scores on his NEWTS, or his gift with languages, or his outstanding work ethic and glowing referrals.

The first few times every one of them had been in a rage. Remus honestly thought Sirius might track down and hex one or two of the offenders, and the rest of them hardly seemed inclined to stop him. At first Remus found their anger on his behalf comforting, but he very quickly grew tired of having to reassure them all that yes, they can do this, no he can’t stop them, and yes, he is fine, and no, committing acts of violence on behalf of a werewolf would most certainly not help ease systemic discrimination.

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