With a Kiss

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The hospital hadn’t been so bad. Turns out he’d dislocated his wrist, but it seemed to have popped itself back into place. Sirius had been forced to stay in the waiting area (“Family only, sir. Are you his brother? Can I see some ID?”) for which Remus was grateful.

The ER doctor had looked at him very strangely during the examination. He scanned him up and down, eyes focusing on his many scars.

“Any significant medical history?” he asked pointedly.

“No,” Remus lied.

The doctor quirked an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Car accident when I was a kid,” he lied again.

“And the fresh ones?” he said, gesturing to the base or Remus’ neck.

“I’m very clumsy.”

“Uh huh,” he said with narrowed eyes.

He left it alone. Remus could only imagine the scenarios running through his head. Still, he wrote Remus a prescription for painkillers, bandaged him up and sent him on his way with an order to rest.

They swung by the pharmacy on the way home, which confused Sirius, who had no idea how a prescription worked.

Remus had been to muggle doctors a few times over the years when his injuries were worse than they could fix at home. He generally preferring to avoid St Mungo’s as he was still on their records from his hospitalization after his childhood attack as a lycanthrope and most of the Healers there went out of their way to make visits as unpleasant as possible. It made him miss Madam Pomfrey desperately. They weren’t technically allowed to deny him treatment, but most of the time he’d prefer to just suffer the pain than put up with the staff, who ranged from passive aggressive to openly hostile.

That was actually how Dorcas had found out about his condition. He’d had to go in after a particularly brutal transformation and she’d recognized the sound of Sirius’ voice cussing out the Healer on call in the emergency room for some particularly unsavory comments. Remus had been pretty out of it at the time. He’d lost consciousness by the time Dorcas barged in, but he was told she insisted on taking over the case herself, despite only being in the early days of her training.

He made the choice to tell Marlene soon after that. He figured Dorcas would let it slip eventually despite promising otherwise. If they were going to leave him, he’d rather they just get it out of the way. They never did.

This was the first time he’d ever been prescribed opiates. Usually it was just some NSAIDs and maybe some muscle relaxants. Even the muggle doctors tended to view him with a fair amount of caution, taking a more conservative approach to treatment. Apparently he looked 'sketchy.' Sirius had also learned very quickly (after nearly getting in a punch up with an ER doctor) that introducing himself as the boyfriend was not a good idea.

From the time they left the flat to the time they got back, Sirius and Remus did not speak a word to each other. Remus went straight for the bedroom, despite knowing full well he couldn’t sleep for hours yet. He was stopped by the sound of Sirius’ voice, which was almost timid. It was a very unusual tone coming from him.

“Remus, I think you should stay out here, with me. I’m sorry, I know it’s…” he rubbed at the back of his neck as he spoke. “I’d rather you weren’t alone right now.”

Remus flushed with embarrassment. He wanted to argue, but he figured it was the least he owed Sirius after what he put him through with the whole stupid mess. He sat down on the armchair, grabbing a book off the coffee table without bothering to check what it was. He was only pretending to read, anyway.

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