Take a Break

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Chapter Text

For a while, for a brief while, they were themselves again. The very best versions of themselves. It’s like all the horror of the war had melted away.

Lily was having a baby. That meant they were all having a baby. In an instant this little thing, not even really a life yet, was priority number one. The joy of this revelation touched everyone and everything around them.

It wasn’t just the Marauders, either. Everyone they knew seemed to find a new light in the darkness.

It was announced soon after that Alice Longbottom was also expecting, and the mood at the Order meetings had shifted dramatically. Lily, Alice, Frank, and James often stayed back late at headquarters, sharing their hopes and fears for their future kids. With Frank and Alice being a little older and more established, they became a source of comfort for the younger couple, easing their anxieties with kind reassurances.

It’s like everyone had been reminded exactly why they were fighting. The whole point of the war. Not many core Order members had young children of their own, as it was nearly impossible to do the work they did with little ones at home. It was easier to remember why they were willing to lose so much, sacrifice so much to make the world a better place. Nobody wanted these babies to grow up in fear.

Sirius had been incredibly smug about his appointment of Godfather. He talked about it constantly.

“As the Godfather,” he’d say in conversations that had absolutely nothing to do with the baby, “I think my opinion should get extra consideration.”

It had been a given that he would get the title. Sirius and James were brothers in everything but blood, and lord knows Lily’s blood sister was not up for the job of Godparent. None of them were jealous, but they collectively decided to just let Sirius have his fun.

Besides, Lily had already privately assured Remus that he would get the job for kid number two.

“James gets his best friend for this one,” she’d said, “so I get mine for the next.”

Remus had been beyond touched. He was glad Lily couldn’t see his face when he’d hugged her, as it made it easier to hide that he was tearing up.

Things were better between Remus and Sirius than they had been in a long time. They were a united front in their love for this kid, whoever they’d grow up to be.

It helped that Remus was temporarily on hold from missions. Some time after their eventful dinner party, Remus had actually asked Dumbledore when he could expect to ship out again. Dumbledore had informed him that he was on stand down for the time being. It seemed that Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey had expressed some… concern over his well being. The stand down was not permanent, as the work he was doing was still very much needed, but he could take a few months to make sure he was in a fit state to go on. Remus was torn between being embarrassed and relieved. He settled on relieved.

With his stress levels significantly reduced, he and Sirius had been getting along swimmingly. Remus had started working a regular job again, this time at a muggle bookshop. The owner was an older woman whose husband was sick with MS, so she was very understanding of Remus’ absences and exhaustion, given her familiarity with chronic illness. It was right up his alley, and it meant he and Sirius were both home nights.

They were making the most of their extra time together. Sometimes that meant going out to see some music, a fun pass time that had fallen to the wayside. Often it meant just enjoying each other’s company at home.

Remus working during the daytime and both of them being home during the night meant that he no longer spent most of his time alone. Whilst this was an overall positive development, it had also come with some unexpected challenges. Sirius was still largely abstaining from alcohol. He’d have a drink with dinner or on a night out sometimes, but always stop after one or two. Remus admired that. He couldn’t do it, but he admired it.

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