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Chris tuned in to the station's channel on his laptop while dialing his mother's number. Stacey and Reysha were doing a half hour of music that would be finished soon, then the entire staff would gather for their weekly meeting.

"I wondered if you'd forgotten my number," his mother said instead of hello.

He smiled. "You know the phone works both ways, right?"

She laughed, and he smiled wider. "I've heard it does. How are you, sweetie?"

He sat down at the conference table, scrolling through the station's website. "I'm good. Busy. The station is doing a unique promotion featuring one of our producers—"

"You're saying that like I don't follow what you're doing," she interrupted.

Chris stopped scrolling. "You follow the station?" Pride burst in his chest.

"I follow you. I feel like you've found your niche. The Instagram posts are fun. I'm looking forward to seeing who Reysha chooses."

His heart constricted. "She's still got a few dates." Including one tonight. "She's amazing. Even though the idea of this blindsided her, she's handled it with charm and grace. She's become some sort of media darling, and if you knew her, you'd know she hates it. We were already turning things around here, ratings-wise, but this cinched it. There's no way we don't end the year on a positive note."

"I like the sound of your voice," his mom said through the phone.

He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that. He could picture her lying by a pool after a morning of coordinating charity events. She kept herself busy giving back to others. Sometimes he wondered how his parents had fallen in love; they were complete opposites. Which is why it didn't last.

"My voice hasn't changed since I was twelve, Mom."

Her laughter floated through the line. "I mean when you talk about the station and Reysha. You sound ... home."

Chris leaned too far back in the chair, nearly toppling himself. "I don't know about that. I'm heading home in less than six months. I've got plans to unite all Dad's HR departments and communication systems. I've got surveys ready to go for each of the companies to find out where they think we're lacking. I've been waiting for this chance. It's what Dad has promised me."

"I know that, sweetie. But is it still what you want?"

Mostly. "Of course."

His mom was quiet, but he didn't get a chance to ask her what she was thinking because some of his staff started to trickle in. "I have to go. I'll talk to you soon?"

"Anytime. Just remember, honey, if you're happy, maybe it's okay to stand still."

A smile tugged at his lips. Was she drinking before noon or purposely speaking in riddles? "Sure, Mom. Love you."

"Love you back."

Mason sat down across from Chris and grinned. "Chatting with Mom on your break?"

Chris laughed. "Unlike you, I don't get a break."

Jane, the receptionist, joined them. She had a pile of files in her arms, and Mari trailed behind her, the two of them finishing a conversation. Mari and Mason exchanged an odd glance, making Chris curious.

Chris turned up the segment as Stacey's voice cut in. "Well, lovely listeners, that's our show for today. Remember, our girl Reysha has date four tonight. Tonight's candidate is Andy, a twenty-four-year-old model. Rey, if you don't feel well, I'm happy to fill in for you. Hmm. She's giving me a look, you guys. I think she wants this one for herself."

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