Dead or Alive

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Location: The Neighboring World

Scene of Chapel


White Time Commander (Commander/Brent)

Nightmare Time Bullet (Nightmare/Scott)

White Time Commander prays in front while waiting for Nightmare Time Bullet.

Nightmare stands at the chapel door of the church and waits to talk to Commander.

Nightmare: So It's only me and you left, Commander.

Commander: It was obvious that it would be like this after a while. This Neighboring World belongs to me after all.

Nightmare: So you want to destroy it because it's yours?

Commander: Yes, I mean, I should at least have that right. The only way I've had to rule everything--

Nightmare: Foolish! everything you say sounds foolish. Is that your only reason for wanting to destroy this world?

Commander: If it's foolish, our lives are foolish all the same.

Nightmare raised his musket to Commander and activated Zaphkiel.

Nightmare: Very well, this talk ends here.

Commander released Katana takes control of Commander and points at Nightmare and releases Lucifugus.

Commander: There was nothing to say in the first place.

Nightmare & Commander: You are...

Nightmare: A Pest.

Commander: A Sacrifice

Nightmare and Commander fight of death.

Nightmare: Zaphkiel!

Commander: Lucifugus!

Nightmare & Commander began to fight at the chapel church.

Nightmare starts to shoot at Commander, Commander starts running and blocking the bullets. Commander Jumped higher and ready to cut but Nightmare blocked his Musket. Nightmare backs up himself to defend his


Nightmare: Aleph!

Nightmare shoot Commander and dodge but it stops and reverse bullet & gives speed and strength himself

Commander: Acceleration!

Commander aims for Nightmare while teleporting fast.

Commander: Moznaim.

Commander teleports location behind Nightmare.

Nightmare: Teleport?

Nightmare knows Commander was behind but it's too late. Commander dive side to aim Nightmare head. Nightmare surprised Commander was fast.

Fade out white

Zaphkiel and Lucifugus running clock.

When people die, they go either to heaven or to hell. Where does a spirit like both of them to go then. Angel and Demon hate each other once after several years Scott betrayed Brent.

Marco Mizano (Marco)

Christx Angel (Chrisx) Smasher

Lazaris (Lazaris) Katana

Haya Ibusaki (Haya) Master Puppet

Location: School

Marco sits & looking out the window while thinking about Nightmare.

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