Chapter 6 | Spirit Bullet: Reincarnated Nightmare in Another World

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Nightmare and Marco return to the original Neighboring World. Commander was worried that Nightmare would be gone, or he'll be faced with a True White Time Commander. After 25 years, Nightmare and Marco have a conversation to go to Different World to visit Fate\Grand Order. Suddenly the ground circle magic, Nightmare pushes Marco out of the circle and disappears in front of him. Marco rushed towards the Commander's office told he's disappeared when the circle summoned.

Unknown of the World. 

Nightmare woke up suddenly he somethings going happen. He rubs his eyes, hands small, height, and voice is same. He looks at the bowl of water, himself as a toddler, testing his power that he's no longer using the Zaphkiel. He was shocked that don't work anymore, he become human as reincarnated. His name is Itsuki Scott.

Scott: Where am I

Scott walks around the house. There's nobody. Leaves the wood fireplace and table.

Scott: This place... is not I came here. I came for my Neighboring World. 

The thieves men brought a sack of gold, jewelry, and more. He ran out the door, the men let go of the boy and Stop the river to wash himself and clothes from slaves. The 4 people wearing robes approach behind Scott.

Unknown: Hey, you there.

Scott "who are these people"

Unknown: Hey, are you listening?

Scott: I'm listening. Why. "This girl seems familiar"

Unknown: Have you seen a girl with light purple hair? She's about the same age as you.

Unknown 1: You better be honest with us. I don't think he'll answer you if you ask that way.

The unknown called beside her name is Sawa.

Unknown: Sawa.

Madison: Please, leave this to me, Miss Vanessa. I'm sorry we surprise you like that. What is your name? (approach Scott) I'm Scott. 

Scott: Scott... "She from Neighboring World"

Sawa: Scott, I haven't heard the name before.

Scott: My parents were immigrants. 

Sawa: I see. Your name is unusual. The thing is, I was hoping to ask a question.

Scott: You mean about the girl with light purple hair? I haven't seen her.

Sawa: I see, beyond this point are the slum, right?

Scott: That's right.

Sawa: Is it big?

Scott: What do you mean?

Sawa: We have to go look for her, you see.

Scott: It would be better not to. It's not somewhere a lady dressed in clothes as nice as yours should go.

Sawa: Nice clothes? What kind of clothes do the women who live in the slums wear?

Scott: What kind? The same as common clothes people, only completely tattered.

Sawa: I see.

Vanessa: Sawa, if that's the case, we should change our clothes and come back.

Unknown 1: What are you saying?  If we don't hurry the girl will.

Unknown 2: That's right!

Vanessa: But we aren't moving as part of official action. If we make a wrong move and cause a disturbance. I'm sure that's not something you want. Lady Kristine.

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