Chapter 9 | Spirit Bullet: Another Encounter Dimension

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New World of Meet Human

Private Academy: Nightmare and Commander

Brent and Scott started living on the earth; they decided to change their spirit to human form. Marco and Joshua don't come to the living world, but they stay training, create new weapons, and visit another planet. Brent and Scott name themselves as humans, and they change their age thousand years to 14 years old. Pretending they don't know about technology except for Brent. The year is 2018 at Kingston Academy. 

The first time he met a friendly human, Scott decided to join his brother. Justin, Jasmine, Crystal, and Skylar meet first, but Brent is unlikely to trust humans. Scott is a very energetic human. Their parent died a thousand years ago, but Scott avoided their question. Justin, Jasmine, Crystal, and Skylar sit with Brent and Scott at lunch in the first year of high school. 

The other kids threw food behind Jasmine, and Brent caught the plate, and they were shocked. Brent saw the vessel, and Brent said: "I had enough throwing stuff, and this caused a problem." The bully counter Brent; he manages to punch but dodge to the side with slow-motion time. He tried to touch him, and the bully had enough; the principal rushed about what was going on in the cafeteria, bully and his friends walked away from their own.

The principal asked Brent what was happening, and he said, "Nothing, he's about to greet a new friend, but he decline to become a friend" the principal told him if he got into trouble to ask me, and "we will ask his parent about causing the problem, but we apologize "The lunch bell is over, everyone gets back their room. Justin, Jasmine, Skylar, and Crystal tell him he's okay and ask a question about it?

Crystal: How did you do that? Do you dodge his attack?
Justin: How did you not touch him? Brent?
Brent: It's wasn't to dodge yourself, but it was a secret how I trained with my brother?
Justin: Your brother. Who was it?
Brent: Well. Jasmine beside him.

Scott patted Jasmine's head.

Scott: Don't worry, Jasmine. We're about to protect you against him.
Jasmine: Really?
Scott: Yes, I'm with my brother.
Jasmine: Who's your brother?
Scott: Brent? Right, brother?
Brent: Yea, we keep our promise, but you are not alone, and shall we go classroom together.

The classroom ended at 3 pm. Scott and Brent walk together and open the Spirit Gate. The bully followed them then they disappeared.

Scott and Brent return to Neighboring World. Walk home.

Brent: Hey Marco, Joshua,
Marco: Senpai! Welcome, back?
Scott: What do we have dinner everyone.
Joshua: Curry?
Marco: Super Spicy Mapo Tofu!!!
Scott: Brother, how about you?
Brent: I'll have black forest cake and jasmine tea, please.

Scott went food resource machine and picked ingredients from Marco's and Joshua's food. Brent goes to his office and starts paperwork of Azur Lane to save budget, strength, alliance, and more stuff has sent by Eagle Union, Iron Blood, Sakura Empire, Royal Navy, and more nations. Enterprise knocks on the Commander's door.

Brent: Come in.
Enterprise: Good evening, Commander.
Brent: What brings you here.
Enterprise: Umm, Laffey, Z23, Javelin, Ayanami, and Unicorn want to visit you.
Brent: Let them come inside.
Enterprise: Understood.

Laffey, Z23, Javelin, Ayanami, and Unicorn rush to Commander's office.

Brent: Good evening, girls.
Unicorn sits Commander; Laffey is tired and sleeps on the lap. Javelin brings a homemade sandwich. Z23 helped Commander's paperwork to separate. Commander enjoys telling stories about their history of warship and kids' books. Scott summons the personal history to bring food to the table. Marco and Joshua are waiting for Scott to eat together, and he brings first the black forest cake and jasmine tea. 8:30 pm. Laffey wanted to read Brent's story of "The Hare With Many Friends," and they said yes. He brings the girls to Commander's bedroom and reads a novel.

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