Chapter 10 | Spirit Bullet: Parallel Multiverse Spirit Bullet and Date A Live IV

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In the new story of Date A Live IV, Spirit travels space and meets the Spirit Bullet Neighboring World. Shido and other spirits fight the space and Date a girl. White Time Commander & Nightmare Time Bullet detected and entered the battle. Joshua and Marco decide to join to stop their fighting, Nightmare meets the girl from the multiverse in the past whether they exist or not. Shido & Brent will be friends or foes. Nightmare controls the parallel multiverse on any planet. Thousand years old are not fall. Date of Dead Bullet will choose fate. Marco, Joshua, Nightmare, and Commander will help Shido dates to complete Spirits and Kurumi is an alliance with Nightmare. Ratatoskr explored the space to search and Shido heard the voice. They decided to rescue and fight the other ship. Spirit Commander watches Shido's behaviour from the galaxy universe, He doesn't know who's watching him, New Spirit Sister and Deceased. The ruler visited the Nightmare Time Bullet, talking to the Alliance and Enemy, Westcott doesn't know who the other spirit is. This is the beginning Story of Date A Live IV and Spirit Bullet.

Cast: Spirit Bullet
White Time Commander - Commander/Brent Itsuki
Nightmare Time Bullet - Nightmare/Scott Itsuki
Phantom Devil - Joshua Yamazaki
Gabriel - Marco Mizayo

Cast: Date A Live IV
Shido Itsuka
Tohka Yatogami
Kotori Itsuka
Origami Tobiichi

New Spirit Encountered 

5 Years passed, and Marco Mizayo found a new spirit DEM foundation experiment in Forest. Nightmare attacks people inside the foundation. Nightmares are everywhere, kill, drag, and cannibal. Joshua transforms the Phantom Devil into the Devil Soldier after many years and years of special training with Commander on Spirit Bullet. His soldiers died in the war, and the person is alive. Survive the desert for a few days without food and drink. Joshua was spotted far away, and a man approached him and carried him to the clinic to heal the injured quickly, he couldn't remember his past after 27 years, he was no longer human. He kills a single person in his mission. 

Real Nightmare stands with Marco on the cliff, the DEM Facility has been destroyed, and Joshua brought a girl and dropped nowhere. Joshua lets her wear the clothes to survive at night, he gives her a letter, money, and clothing. Nightmare & Kurumi has not changed their mind, and become a villain than innocent. 

"Nightmare: I finally found you after 5 years? What is her Spirit, Kurumi?"
"Kurumi: Second Spirit... 'Sister'."

Nightmare and Kurumi watch the facility burning and another human has been killed and eaten alive. Brent walks the room, the result of Shido's Spirit Waves level. His spirit has normalized rather than rampaged. Shido has apologized for what happened for a few days the city is damaged.

"Sorry for all the trouble, though I couldn't remember what happened at all?"

Girls walk in, they are all worried about him and Brent walks into another room. This won't happen, Kotori tries to pull Mana's outfit. Mana struggled to undress it, Kotori wouldn't stop pulling, and Brent was horrified.

"Kotori?! Mana?!" 
"Commander!, Brent!"
"I'm very sorry for interrupting, but this isn't right to force into her!!" he turns around.
"You've got the wrong idea, Brent?"
"Kotori is forcing me to get a checkup!"
"Wait, what?"

Joshua walks into the room, Mana sees Joshua, she's embarrassed to see him and Brent knows what Mana wants him. He reported about a new spirit from 5 years ago that someone attacked her now that he knows where she is. Shido might be curious about who is she, Joshua told Shido that she was an artist of Mangas, Somehow Joshua and she worked together for 3 years work together and Brent didn't what to say, He couldn't do anything about it. Brent asks if he can meet her in the Cafe for a private conversation for about 5 years.  Nightmare's open gate at Kotori's ship. 

"Scott" Good afternoon, Kotori.
"Kotori" You!!
"Scott" Hexod - Time freeze
"Kotori" He disappeared, Where did he g-
"Scott" I'm right behind you, Kotori.
"Kotori" What are you doing here? You suppose-
"Scott" Shut up!  Listen to me! Where is Shido?!

Shido entered the front ship, Scott dragged Shido into the dimension, and Joshua swapped Shido in position. Scott and Joshua fight and rampage the dimension, and he wants to take away power that does not rampage, the moments will be different, Kurumi and Nightmare have a chance to take Shido's power, and Commander, Marco, and Joshua protect Shido in danger. 

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