Nightmare or Commander

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Last 5 years of Neighboring World. Scott and Brent are quasi-spirits. Brent approach to Scott and wakes him up.

Brent: Scott, Scott, wake up.

Scott awake for second and look Brent

Scott: Brother...

Brent: You were late last night for working hard in the kitchen. I didn't want to wake you up but everyone was outside waiting at you.

Scott: Oh,

Brent: We're you that worried over it?

Scott: a little bit, I received this type of letter at the counter table for the first time.

Brent: Really?

Scott: Yes.

Brent: But you already gave your answer didn't you? That "You can go back to the Land of Dawn to Visit someone this year again?"

Scott: Yes.. But I still wasn't ready to see her again?

Brent: Well, at least you can have a day off from your work this weekend.

Scott: If I still get in trouble even I can still join battle in Another World.

Brent clear cough for Scott

Brent: Scott! Would you choose another team or want me to join your side.

Scott: H-Huh?, W-well... T-thats

Scott picks his mind to team up his team or pick for his brother.

Scott: I'd choose you.. (Embarrassing)

Brent chuckles to Scott.

Scott "I haven't seen her for a while, we still have a good relationship with her and Brent keeps supporting me every time." "Life wasn't cumbersome. The Neighboring World wasn't so hostile."

Scott: But, I hope I'll find someone to join our side one day.

Brent: In that case, I promise. That I'll support you once will find trusting you and someone will find you.

Scott "It's only when you lose something that you realize. Those days were having good times with Marco, Joshua, Khalil, Klarence. That's why I don't want something like that to happen again."

Back to Neighboring World from the last scene of Spirit Bullet: Dead or Alive in the basketball court.

Nightmare aimed Christx Angel

Lazaris: Where is Puppet Master?

Nightmare: He ran away. You can go after him if you want.

Lazaris: We just me so I can't trust you.

Nightmare chuckle

Nightmare: Then feel free to do what you want.

Christx & Lazaris feel untrust Nightmare seems suspicious. Christx ran to Nightmare.

Christx: I'll crash you up!

Nightmare shoot hammer to swing slows him down. Lazaris ambushes the right side to slash his El elyon suit. Nightmare aims at Lazaris head but he blocks the katana by the bullets. Sotatsu rush kunai and Nightmare quickly dodge side to side. Sotatsu holds his kunai and directs his heart, Nightmare knocks him back.

Nightmare: Aleph

Nightmare teleport further back.

Lazaris and Chritx face to face. Fighting and defending their swings. Nightmare decided to join but someone pulled his sleeves behind. Quickly lock behind Marco.

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