Details Brent Itsuki in Spirit Bullet

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Age: 18 (1,194 years old)

Height: 175 cm or 6"5 ft

Status: Alive (Episode 1)

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Silver
                         Black Hair (Formerly)

Eye color: Red (left)
                      Blue Clock (right)

Nickname: White Knight
                        Grey Ghost

Personal Status

Occupation: Dominion (Formerly)


Marco - Alliance
Joshua - Alliance as good friend and more closer Best Friend
Scott - Brother twins and Enemies in series.
Maria (soon)
Kristine (soon)
Ruby (soon)

Appearance: Brent Itsuki has a distinct appearance characterized by his tall stature and striking features. He typically dresses in formal attire Admiral Royal Navy, which adds to his imposing presence. His appearance often reflects his composed and sophisticated demeanor.

Personality: Brent Itsuki is portrayed as a calm, calculating, and manipulative individual. He possesses a keen intellect and often employs strategic planning to achieve his goals. His demeanor is usually polite and charming, which allows him to manipulate others effectively. Despite his calm exterior, he harbors darker intentions and is willing to go to great lengths to achieve them.

Abilities: In the world of "Spirit Bullet," characters often possess unique abilities related to combat or supernatural powers. Brent Itsuki is no exception. While specifics may vary depending on the story arc or adaptation, he typically exhibits formidable abilities that make him a formidable adversary. These abilities may include elements such as enhanced strength, speed, or control over certain astronomical phenomenon.

Role in the Story: Brent Itsuki's role in the story often revolves around his antagonistic relationship with the protagonist and other characters. He may serve as a primary antagonist, manipulating events from behind the scenes to further his own agenda. His motivations may vary but often involve gaining power, control, or achieving some personal goal at the expense of others.

Character Development: Depending on the progression of the story, Brent Itsuki may undergo character development, revealing more about his past, motivations, or internal struggles. This development adds depth to his character and may lead to unexpected twists in the narrative.

Overall, Brent Itsuki is a complex and intriguing character in the "Spirit Bullet" series, whose actions and motivations often drive the plot forward, creating tension and conflict for the protagonist and other characters to overcome.

(Updating details of Spirit Bullet and other details characters)

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