Chapter 2

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                                                                           ~Chapter 2~

    Ama was burning with anger. She was brimming with it.  How dare he talk to Axel like he's not a human being?!  I really like him. A lot. But God I will mess that boy up if he ever does that again..I swear-


Oh God...

    "Hey! Wait up! I have to talk to you!" Stanton yelled.

Don't bother Stanton..Not in the mood...


"WHAT?!" Ama screamed back, but only to find Axel alone behind her and Stanton walking back to the house sullenly like a puppy with it's tail between it's legs.

"I-I-I didn't mean to disturb you....or yell at you. I just needed to get your attention for a sec....Unless you're busy."

Ama was ashamed that she yelled at him. "Oh no! I'm not busy at all. Just running away from Stanton and his fake apologies is all. Why? What's up?"

"I-I-I just wanted to say.....thanks. No one has ever done that for me. None has even stood up to Stanton before. It was amazing. And scary. But amazing!" Axel's emerald eyes were glittering and his crooked smile made her stomach do weird little flips.

"I-I-It was nothing. I just couldn't stand how he treated you. It's not right no matter who you are, or what you are. I'm a freaking fallen angel for christssakes! So what if you are...are..?" Ama's face showed she needed a little help

"Werewolf." Axel said quietly. Almost as if he was ashamed, "I haven't changed yet though. I-I-I-"

"Shh..." Ama said putting a finger to her lips. She could see Stanton in the distance. Watching them with a curl of his lip.

"I-I Should go..Please, don't go near Stan. He's...he's not the best person to be around when he's like this...." Axel said and turned away and walked in the opposite direction or Stanton.

    Ama walked to the house and went to the door. She tried to turn the knob but a hand was over hers. Stopping it. She felt a body behind her and turned. Stanton was behind her. She couldn't see his eyes behind his bangs but his arm had Ha vein popping and her hand hurt from where he was clutching it.

"What in the hell do you want?" Ama asked furiously.

"I. Want. You. To. Stay.Away.Form.Him." Stanton said very slowly. As if she were slow.

"I. Don't. Have. To." Ama seethed. How dare he tell her what to do?

"Oh yes you do. You're mine Ama. I rescued you. You belong to ME." Stanton said and went to grab her around her waist. Ama tried to get away but her powers were dwindling with the more time she spent in the Human Realm. She was helpless and afraid. More afraid than ever before in her life. He carried her to the shed and went to go get some rope. She tried to get out but he caught her and threw her against the wall of the shed. Black was enveloping her world as she fell into unconciousness.


Ama awoke to a gag, some nasty old rope around her, and a water bottle next to her.

How in the hell can I drink water if I'm bound and gagged? Stupid moronic douche...

She tried to yell with all her might but only got a whimper. She was soo furious at her goddess. Why had she brought her here? Why did she allow this to happen? She feels soo betrayed. And hurt. She just wishes that someone would come and save her...

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