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Shay's POV

Blind dates are the death of me. No matter how many I went to and how many guys my mother set me up with, I still don't have a likeable reason to go meet the guy on a stupid blind date. The guys are not the problem, I'll admit that some of the guys I've meet on a blind date are actually good looking and fun to talk to but I'm just not into any of them. It's not that my standards are that high it's just that, I just haven't met the right one yet. But that is not part of my long term plan right now, to be in a relationship. Maybe once I moved out from home and start living my life than maybe I'll consider seeing someone that loves me for who I really am rather than the background I have.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the salon, my phone started ringing inside my purse. I took my phone out and sighed when I saw 'mom' flashing on the screen.

"Hello mom."

"Are you at the salon yet?" I rolled my eyes and glanced out the window.

Of course she would call just to make sure that I'm really there.

"Yes, I've just arrived."

"Good. Remember, he's waiting at that nice restaurant with the sprinkler fountain. You know? The one we went to last week-"

"Yes, I remember mom!"

"Okay then, get your hair and makeup down with Ella and call me when you're on your way home."

I ended the call and leaned back on the car seat and stared outside for about a minute. Getting married is the last I want right now, let alone marrying a guy that I don't even know. If I'm going to get this one off my track just like the last ones, than I guess the good old trick can also work on him. I stepped out of the car and made my way inside the salon and asked for Ella, Shanelle and mom's only hairdresser and makeup artist. After getting my makeup and hair done, I got into the car and the driver drove me to the restaurant.

It was more like a huge fancy plaza where all famous restaurants are located in one floor each. The one where I'm heading to is right on the fifth floor, so I made my way to the elevators and pressed the button for the fifth floor just as the guy next to me was reaching in to press for the sixth floor. It was awkward making eye contact with him and exchanging polite smiles when the guy is like the most handsome stranger I've ever seen. I glanced at him one more time and finally noticed he was wearing a black suit, his hair was perfectly styled and just the mere sight of the side profile from my point of view was enough to give me the idea that not only was he good looking, he was probably rich too.

I faced the front again, took a deep breath in and ignoring the hot stranger next to me, I released my hair from the claw clip and ran my fingers through them. I grabbed my lipstick from my purse and did a quick retouch and finally got off the elevator. I walked into the restaurant, looked around for about a second till my eyes landed on the right guy who was perfectly described to me that he will be wearing a deep blue suit. I walked over to him and before he had the chance to stand up to greet me, I pulled out a chair and sat down in front of him at the table. He chuckled while glancing down and then finally looking up to see me.

"Chase Evans, right?" He nodded once with a smug smile on his face.

"Correct. And you must be Shay Falcon." I nodded and fold my arms in front of me and crossing my leg over the other while I do a good analysis on him.

One thing for sure is that, he's too handsome that it suddenly made me feel bad that I'm about to turn him down too.

"Before we get to the part where we get to know each other, first off you're not my type." He quickly placed a hand over his chest and feigned a hurt expression.

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