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Shay's POV

I was feeling beyond frustrated and I needed something to calm me down, I didn't know where else to go and I didn't want to go home yet so I headed back to the bar where I went with Chase. To my surprise, he was still there and still sitting in the same spot where I had left him but now he's talking to a petite brunette sitting by his side. I walked over to them and leaned towards the counter next to him and signaled to the bartender for some whiskey sour that I hope would finally get rid of my frustration for tonight. I glanced to the side and saw Chase already looking at me.

"Um....hi! Again." I shot him a tight lipped smile.

"And you're still here, why am I not surprised?" He chuckled and quickly looks back at the brunette sitting quietly next to him.

"Well I was about to leave but then Alexa here was alone tonight so I wanted to keep her company." I rolled my eyes and gave a small wave at Alexa who just smiled politely in return.

"Well don't let me stop you, I'll be sitting here minding my own business."

I grabbed my glass of whiskey sour and took a small sip and the drink immediately burns my throat making me wince with bitterness.

"Did you find your friend?" I released a loud sigh and then slowly nod my head.

"I did. She was drunk and I helped her back to her apartment."

"Was Jason with her?" I blankly stared back at him and sipped my drink again.

"Yeah, he brought her home and I met them outside Sylvia's apartment."

He whistled and leans back away from the counter.

"Well that sucks, but why did you come back here? Don't tell me you guys fought again?"

Before I could reply, Alexa suddenly got off her seat and flashed us both a fake smile.

"I'm leaving, it was nice to meet you Chase."

She placed a kiss on Chase's cheek and strutted away in her red high heels and I shook my head while smiling when I caught him staring after her for far too long. Checking out her ass more specifically. He then turns back to me with a huge grin on his face.

"Thank god she finally left, I can't stand to hear another word about her ex anymore."

I nearly choked on my whiskey while trying to stifle back my laughter and he shot me a mean look.

"So you're leaving too?" He frowned and then shrugged his shoulders.

"Should I?"

"You can if you want to."

"And leave you here by yourself to drink on your own? I'll pass. I actually have some things to be depressed about, so let's drink together and be sad all night. What do you say?" He asked cheerfully and I burst out laughing.

"I'm not drinking because I'm sad but cheers to that anyway."

He both clinked glasses and we continued talking for the rest of the night, just happy to be sharing the same bubble and enjoying ourselves. I never thought I would get this close with Chase Evans but I was glad that we met in the first place, even though it was a complete disaster and I don't think I can ever forget that he was someone that I had almost got married to through an arranged marriage. But us being friends now, could be one of the best things we have done so far.


I tried to endure my hangover the next morning as I got ready to go to work. It's my fault that I even decided to go drinking last night and now I'm bearing the consequences. I skipped breakfast and just grabbed some coffee from a café to help soothe my brain from nearly exploding and when I arrived to my office, I almost didn't hear the words of my assistant until I'm settled down inside my office and finally realized what she had said.

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