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Shay's POV

I held my first meeting in the morning and discussed some changes that I had recently made to our new marketing strategy plan to the marketing team, then after the meeting I went out to meet up with a new client who is much interested in our cosmetic products and the meeting was successful which made me feel very pleased in the end. When lunchtime finally comes around, I received a text from Jason telling me that he had arrived and he's waiting for me out front.

I grabbed my clutch bag and my phone from my desk and then left the office, once I arrived in the lobby I easily made my way out through the glass revolving doors and grinned when I saw him standing outside his car with a charming smile on his face. I approached him and he leans in and quickly peck my lips before wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"I missed you." My voice muffled against his shoulder.

He pulls back and smiled down at me. "Me too, I missed your beautiful face. Now let's go because your surprise is waiting for you."

He turns around and opened the car door for me and I frowned in confusion while smiling.

"I'm really curious about this surprise. There's no special occasion today."

He stared back at me, his eyes quickly scanning my face before his mouth curved into a smile.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Yeah! What's the surprise then?" He shook his head and then smirked.

"Nice try but I'm not telling you anything until we get there. Are you sure there's really nothing to celebrate today?"

I quickly racked my brain and I couldn't think of anything special.

We left my workplace and he started driving along the highway and for a minute, we were both completely silent and it gave me a moment to try and think of a few places that he could possibly be taking me to. I turned towards him and study his side profile very carefully.

"Can you at least give me a small clue to where we're going?"

He laughed and quickly glanced to the side at me.

"Just hang in there babe, we're almost there."

I scowled and turned back to the window and that's when he swerved the car into a clear gravel road. He drove straight ahead and my eyes widen in surprise when I saw the docks coming into view. I've never been to this place before and just looking at the amount of boats and yachts aligned in a few rows near the docks, my heart starts to race in excitement. Jason suddenly stops the car on the side and I quickly turned back to him with a smile.

"This is still part of the surprise, right?" He released his seat belt while grinning back at me.

"Yep." He replied shortly.

We both got out of the car and the warm summer breeze was the first thing that greets me as soon as I stepped outside. My hair also starts to fly all over my face and I quickly reached inside my clutch bag for a hair tie and tied my hair back in a loose ponytail. Jason came to my side and held my hand while locking our fingers together and he starts leading me towards the docks. We walked onto the narrow wooden bridge in between the big yachts towering over me on each sides and I couldn't help but admire how amazing they look. I have never been on a ship or yacht before so seeing one up close is really exciting.

A man was standing nearby on the side of a big and white yacht with golden paintings on the side and Jason greeted him with a smile and a handshake.

"Hello James." He addressed the man.

"Hello again Mr. Cartwright. As you've requested, everything is all ready and just waiting for your further instructions. Shall we sail east?"

The word 'sail' caught my attention and I looked at Jason immediately but he continued to stare at James with a smile but I can tell he was enjoying my surprised reaction.

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