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Shay's POV

I couldn't believe it. Shawn had already prepared a will without telling any of us and I'm so petrified right now that he even thought of arranging a will at this certain age of his life. It's weird, like how can he even thought of doing all this? He's still young and he's not married yet so what was his reason for signing a will? Wait, does this mean that he knew that something was going to happen to him soon? He knew something bad like this would happen in the future which is why he arranged a will in advance with his lawyer?

Oh my god.....

Everyone was sitting silently around the room, none of us are willing to say a thing just to break the uncomfortable silence in the air. Mom looked shaken up as any of us, Shawn's disappearance really took a great toll on her. My sisters on the other hand, Shelby has a forlorn look on her face which I'm pretty sure she just did it for show. While Shanelle was on her phone acting uninterested in what was about to happen. It feels so wrong that we're all about to read Shawn's will when it's still unconfirmed whether he's really dead or not. The police are still investigating on his missing body case yet the glum situation in this house can almost convince anyone that my brother is really gone.

Attorney Hughes is a close family friend and he works with Shawn as his personal lawyer. He's a tall smart looking man that wear glasses all the time and he's married to his wife who is a high school teacher and they have a teenage son. We all stood up to greet him when he walks into the room and he smiled at each of us before sitting down. He placed a red file on the coffee table before looking at dad.

"Shall we begin sir?" Dad nods his head once and then attorney Hughes opened the file while adjusting his glasses.

"All Mr. Shawn Falcon's possessions will be passed on to Miss Shay Falcon. His two properties in New York east side estate will now belong to Mr. Kevin Ripley who was his secretary and best friend. That is all."

Everybody immediately looked at me and I can tell that they were not happy that Shawn had left almost everything he owns to me. Mom was fuming with anger and she was already giving me the death stare till dad clears his throat and thanked attorney Hughes and our butler escorts him out of the house. As soon as he left, mom stood up from the couch and stormed out of the room and Shelby quickly followed.

"Lucky you." Shanelle mumbled before leaving as well.

I couldn't stand being in the same room with dad anymore, cos now the longer he stares at me it seems like he's secretly analyzing me under his cold gaze. I stood up and excused myself out of the room and went upstairs with an intention to skip lunch so I can avoid another tense and awkward meal with my family.

Jason's POV

I closed the file in front of me and placed it to the side and then grabbed another set of documents to sign. I slowly lift my head up when the doors suddenly opened and Chase stormed in with an infuriated look on his face. I stopped writing and leaned back in my seat to look at him.

"What brings you here?"

He points his finger at me and I quickly noticed that he was trying so hard to control his anger.

"About Shay Falcon......when did you know? That the Shay that went on an arranged marriage date with me and the company secretary are the same person?"

I gave him a long stare.

"Did you find out after I told you in the car last time?" I slowly chuckled.

"Why are you curious about that?" He pursed his lips and quickly shrugged his shoulders.

"Just curious as to why a smart guy like you couldn't connect this and that together. Those thoughts suddenly came to my mind." I raised a questioning brow at him.

"Are you sure? Those thoughts don't just suddenly come up. Those things come out after abounding in deep thought." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why did you pretend not to know?"

"What about you? Why didn't you tell me?"

He glanced down on the ground and frowned. "I know right. Why didn't I tell you?"

I stood up from my chair and gave him a hard stare. "I asked you twice already."

He slowly nods his head. "Right. When you asked me, you knew the truth already am I right?"

I walked towards the other side of the room and stared out the big floor-to-ceiling window while unbuttoning my suit jacket. Now this is the time for some real confrontation.

"Let's say the first time you didn't tell me when I asked was because you didn't wanna talk about it because you were upset. The second time.....why didn't you just tell me the truth?"

He came up to my side and looked straight at me.

"She asked me to keep her secret and because of her brother had already threatened me, I had to keep it from you as well." I smirked back at him.

"We're partners aren't we? And on top of that, you're my best friend. Did you suddenly not trust me anymore and thought I wouldn't keep her secret as well?"

"Cut the bullshit Jason! I know how you really feel about the Falcon family so you would definitely grab at any opportunity just to get back at them, and exposing her on the media was part of your twisted plan!"

His face was fully contorted in anger and both his fists were tightly clenched. His reaction made me realized that he........really cared about her.

"You knew who's daughter Shay was and purposely came onto her." I turned around to fully face him and looked directly in his eyes.

"Let's say that's true but why is that something you should be mad about? The marriage technique you used is reasonable but the one that I use is immoral?"

He took a threatening step towards me and his jaw tightened.

"At least I was being honest with her."

"Honest or not, that's the individual's personal choice. Why do I have to get the blame for something like that?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and then glared at me again.

"Even if it's a small matter, you have to get the blame from me. Your whole relationship with her is just based on a whole damn lie! Shay is already having a hard time with her life and yet you're doing this to her?! Imagine how she would feel if she finds out about this."

I placed my hand on his shoulder and slightly tightened my grip before glaring at him.

"She won't know and you won't tell her a thing. This conversation will not leave this room Chase, understood?"

He brushed my hand away and frowned angrily in return.

"Unbelievable." He said before walking out of the room and slamming the door loudly behind him.

I sighed and walked back to my desk and sat down again. I'm not worried about him, I know he won't say anything about this to Shay or to anyone else because that's just how Chase is. He truly values our friendship more than anything so even if he starts to care about other people and wanted to tell me that I'm wrong, I know he won't do anything to jeopardize that. This is just between me and Shay, and I'll handle it the way I want to.

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