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Shay's POV

Every morning is like the same routine repeating itself every day. I get ready for work and left home in my casual clothes and then later change in my car in a suitable work outfit. My mother always leaves home every morning just to meet up with her friends and have breakfast at a fancy restaurant. Sometimes I wonder whether her friends have a life or has other things to do rather than meeting up with my mom every day and talk about their boring lifestyle. My father and Shawn are the only two people who would take their time having breakfast at home first before leaving together for work. They would usually spend that time in talking about what they'll be doing for today, who will they be meeting, business things and whatsoever.

I know Shelby is always having breakfast at her favorite restaurant before going straight to work. I even saw her once drinking coffee with some guy, it could be her secret boyfriend or some guy she's just seeing but honestly I highly doubt that she might be seeing someone. I may not have spent time with my sisters but I know how to observe them and Shelby is the type of person that focuses on being a girl boss rather than wasting her time on men. Shanelle on the other hand, is never at home.

She has her own place to stay, and the only person who could convince dad to get whatever the hell she wants. She also travels a lot because she's a supermodel working in an agency runs by Sylvia's mom. So I don't really know or care what she could be up to these days but she does comes home on weekends or whenever she needs something from dad.

Last night, I skipped dinner because the last thing I needed at the end of the day is another long boring judgy lecture from mom and long pointed meaningless glares from dad. I also forgot to set my alarm last night which is why I woke up late today, running around in my room trying to get ready before heading to work. I was rushing down the staircase while putting my watch around my wrist when I heard someone call my name from the back. As an automatic response for being caught leaving early in the morning, I instantly froze on the spot.

I slowly turned around and released a sigh of relief when I saw that it was just Shawn.

"Morning." He said with an easy smile on his face.

"Morning. How are you still here? I thought you already left."

He shrugged and we both walked down the staircase together and started walking towards the front door.

"Nope, haven't had my coffee yet." I chuckled and quickly checked my watch for the time.

"You're late aren't you?" He asked in a low whisper and I sighed before looking up and meeting his eyes again.

"Forgot to set my alarm again." He nods his head and quickly glanced around the room.

"Well you better get going now before mom gets back. I'll see you later." I smiled at him and hugged him while he placed a kiss on my head.

This is how our relationship works in this house. We always look out for each other and care for one another all the time. Even if our relationship with our parents and sisters are not that great, at least we have each other to rely on.

We pulled away from the embrace and I waved him goodbye while I started to walk towards the door.

"Shay?" I turned back and found him looking concerned with his brows knitted together.

"What happened at that date that mom set up for you?" Just recalling the memory leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

He slowly walks towards me, his eyes scanning my face for the answer already.

"Nothing happened. He just realized that I wasn't his type and that's why he decided to cancel our second date. Which is a good thing though, I'm not looking forward to see him again."

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