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Jason's POV

After my meeting that was scheduled at 11am, I went back to my office and started to read the client's file that Shelby's secretary had given me. Mr. Kolinsky seems like a very big deal to Shelby since she gave me this job to handle it for them because she can't. She must've known that I have a very good persuasive skill which is why she gave me this small task to start off with our new partnership deal. A knock sounded from the door and I looked up as Sylvia walks in.

"Mr. Cartwright?"


"There was a call from Falcon Group and they want you to be there at a 12:30 meeting to discuss the new deal with their cosmetic project." I frowned in confusion.

"I was just there but they never said anything about a meeting."

"They said that the new team manager for the foreign affairs department really wants you to be there."

Manager? Who could that be?

"Okay. Do I have any other appointments after this?" She glanced at the huge IPad in her hand and shook her head.

"No, just the 12:30 pm meeting." I nodded and she quickly left the room to get back to her work.

Since I'm a very punctual person, I arrived at Falcon Group Company on time and the front desk receptionist showed me one of their empty board rooms and told me that the manager would be with me very shortly. I waited and thirty minutes have passed yet no one showed up. One o'clock came around and I still waited but nobody entered the room for this meeting. I was starting to get impatient that they had kept me waiting here in an empty room by myself and nobody had come in to inform me anything regarding their late arrival. Two hours have passed till the door finally opened and that same receptionist walked in with an apologetic look on her face.

"Um, the person in charge have cancelled the meeting because something urgent came up. I'm really sorry to keep you waiting. We will schedule another meeting with you next time."

You have got to be kidding me.

"I'm sorry, who had requested this meeting?" I asked her directly.

"Our foreign affairs strategy team manager. Miss Shay Falcon."

Of course. She would be the only one to have done this on purpose, probably because she's still mad at me and she did this to get back at me.

"Which floor is her office located?" She quickly averted her eyes and shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

"Um, sir she's not in today-"

"I didn't ask for that. Which floor is her office located?" She visibly swallowed and released a low sigh.

"On the third floor."

I gave a short nod and walked out of the room and took the elevator up to the 3rd floor. The doors opened and I walked out and spotted her office immediately at the end of the hallway with the words FOREIGN AFFAIRS STRATEGY TEAM MANAGER crafted in bold letters on the side of her door. I didn't bother to knock, since she kept me waiting alone for two freaking hours I was feeling kinda pissed. So I opened the door and walked straight in.

Shay's POV

That was the first step to get on his nerves, it was a small meaningless move but I know that to keep him waiting in the board room for hours will surely make him feel furious. But it was just the starting of the real plan that I have for him so this was barely nothing. I started sorting out the request document that I need to send to the San Francisco Food and Drug & Administration for a new supply of talc that we want. I flinched in surprise when the door opened and the last person that I was expecting to see today marched in with an annoyed look on his face. I put down the papers in my hands and glared at him.

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