Chapter 1: It can't be him!

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Here is book 2! I'm sorry I published the book later than expected I've been busy and my internet was playing up but here it is The kingdoms! I've been planning to write this for ages. I know Skandar Keynes is not an actor anymore I just think he was a perfect Ethan.  I'm going to make the chapters longer because it's not fair for you guys. You wait a whole week for me to publish then get a measly chapter. If you haven't read book 1, I suggest you read that first because you might be a bit confused. Also, your comments and votes mean everything to me. I swear every time anyone comments or even votes I start grinning like an idiot. So please Vote and Comment. Ok, I've wasted enough of your time you can start reading. Any advice or feedback for me? 

Chapter 1: It can't be him!

It's been a year since I was kidnapped by Morgana and everyone found out about my magic. It feels nice to be accepted by my friends. Sometimes, they even ask me to help them using my magic. I'm getting used to being myself around them but, I frequently forget that I can use magic freely. For example, the other day I was doing Arthurs laundry when my sister came in and had to remind me that I didn't have to waste my time scrubbing away with a brush because I could use magic.

Esmeralda is still in Camelot, she is Gwen's handmaiden and she and Lancelot are together. Even though they are in a secretive relationship, I have never seen a happier couple. Everyone asks me to do different things for them with my magic. Gwaine always wants me to summon him some mead so, it isn't an odd sight to see a tankard zooming through the citadel. Elyan asks me to sharpen his sword after a training session and Percival asks me to polish his armour. Leon and Lancelot have made it routine to distract the cook while I steal some food for them.

Don't even ask about Arthur, he has me working all day. 'Merlin, feed my dogs.' 'Merlin, polish my boots.' Even when there is no work to do he manages to find something, the other day he spilt a cup of water just so I had to clean it up. Only when Gwen spoke to him did he stop overworking me, and even then he found one way or another to annoy me. He says it's my punishment for not telling him about my magic earlier. I still have a secret that I haven't told him; I'm a prince.

As I walked to Arthurs chambers I didn't know that I was about to get the shock of my life. I pushed open the door and stepped into the sparkling room. It hasn't looked this clean in years. For the first time, Arthur didn't make a mess. "Hello, Merlin. Decided to turn up, did you?" Arthur greeted me from behind his desk. "I have some work for you. The young prince from the kingdom called Naeder is coming for a visit. I need you to polish my armour for the occasion, make it spotless...Merlin? Are you paying attention?"

But I had stopped listening after the word Naeder. "Did you say Naeder?" I asked Arthur.

"Yes, I did."

"You're sure?"

"Here, read the letter yourself." Arthur held out a piece of parchment from his desk. I stared at the first words: To, King Arthur Pendragon. That handwriting was unforgettable. I only know one person that writes like that. The words are slightly sloped and the letters become smaller as the word goes on. I continued reading the letter:

I am Sir James, a knight from the kingdom of Naeder. On behalf of my prince, I would like to ask if we could visit your kingdom for matters we will discuss upon our arrival.

Yours sincerely,

Sir James.

I knew it. Who else could it have been? I grew up with James. He was almost like a father figure to me. He trained me and taught me everything a father could teach you. I don't understand what he means by 'prince' because I am the only prince. Who is he taking orders from, and why are they coming here? They can't know that I'm here. I'm not going back to Naeder until I unite Albion. Suddenly, the door banged open, and Ezy ran in. "Sorry, sire," she apologized to Arthur, "I need to borrow Merlin for a minute."

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