Chapter 6: Time to go

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"O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes!"

The great dragon came flying through the trees and landed on the ground in front of me. "Hello Merlin, I thought I only told you to call me if there is an emergency." The last time I called him, (which was after everyone found out about my magic,) he had been unhappy that Arthur hadn't decided to make magic legal. Then, when I said 'there is no pleasing you,' he told me to only call if there is an emergency and flew off. So, we are not on the best of terms at the moment.

"Do you think I should go to Naeder?" I asked, ignoring his last remark.

"When you ignored my advice in the past, why are you asking me now?" Kilgharrah huffed.

'I keep telling you there's nothing wrong with Mordred!" I exclaimed.

"And I keep telling you that he will ruin everything. But not just him, I warned you about the witch too," he stated.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you when you warned me about Morgana, but she would've still gone against us. Anyway, can you answer my question?" I said impatiently.

"Your biggest concern at the moment should be Albion. When is Arthur going to make magic legal?"

And he has started on the Albion thing again. He needs to be more patient, but then again, he was locked up for years, he can't wait any longer, can he? "We'll unite Albion. I just need Arthur to trust magic a bit more. If I go to Naeder, does it change anything?"

"Not that I know. I doubt it would make a big difference at the rate things are going," he replied.

"Why does Ethan hate me?"

"I cannot tell you that. You must find out for yourself," answered Kilgharrah, talking like a cryptic again.

"But you're not going to deny that he hates me?"

"You are brothers, you cannot ignore each other forever," he said, his voice echoing around the clearing in the forest.

"Thanks, Kilgharrah. One more thing, I need you to come to Naeder in a week and try to do whatever you can to put it back how it used to be," I requested.

"Your great grandfather was the one who asked me to build the kingdom. 'A kingdom where magic will always live,' he said. A wise and loyal man he was. You remind me of him, Merlin. Your father would've been proud of you," Killgarrah said kindly, starting to flap his flings so he could fly off again.

"Thank you," I murmured to him before he left. I slowly turned and began walking back to the castle when I heard familiar voices. I followed the noise and found my siblings and the knights of Naeder sitting under a willow tree by a river. It was a beautiful place. Birds were singing, bees were buzzing, and the sound of my friends made the place more beautiful. The river reminded me of one we used to play near in Naeder when we were children.

"Merlin! We've been looking for you," called Jon. I've heard that a lot for the past few days. "Ezy had the idea to spend an afternoon outside, and we all met up here."

"We had a lake like this back in Naeder, didn't we?" I commented.


"I've invited Lance and Mordred. They should be here soon," Ezy told us from her spot near the lake. At that moment, there was rustling in the bushes, and the two knights came out behind me.

"Nice place," noted Mordred. Lancelot went and sat down by Charlie under the tree. Mordred went to follow, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked telepathically.

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