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Kai took your hand softly and whooshed you against him tightly and started walking away from Joshua's unconscious body laying across the hard cold ground. "Where are we going?" You said to him looking at Kai in his beautiful blue eyes. He gives you a small adorable smile as he looks down at your worried face and strokes your cheek.

"Somewhere safe." Kai answers you as he looks straight ahead at the cold wet street, you smile up at him and take in gorgeous features while you nod your head. You start to walk with Kai further and further away from the school, you feel safe having  his strong muscular arms wrapped around your waist while you walk on the damp sidewalk.

You and Kai have been walking for maybe about fifteen minutes when you look up at the sky to see the normal clear blue sky has changed to a dark grey sky filled with clouds, you felt the cool fresh air brush against your soft and delicate skin as you shiver from the coolness. Kai could feel you shiver in his arms as he attempts to pull you closer even thought you were closer then you probably ever will be.

You suddenly feel a tiny drop of water hit your nose so you look up at the sky and see droplets of rain fall from the sky as Kai does the same, you lightly pull on Kai's jacket so you can move closer to him. "We're almost there!" Kai says talking over the loud rain droplets hitting the cold hard ground harshly. You bring your hands up to your mouth to blow on them and rub them together to get at least a little bit warmer but doing they didn't help at all, you were still getting colder by the second.

You begin to see a faded huge red light up sign that read "Hotel" and you sighed in relief knowing you guys were close, you begin to speed up your walking to get there faster so you can be in the warm hotel room with Kai. Then it starts to rain harder and harder on you guys and you get soaked, your hair was soaked, your clothes were soaked and the worst part about your clothes being soaked is that they were probably see through.

You never complained a second about how cold you were because you knew that Kai was going through the exact same thing, but in your defense, you were wearing a short skirt and a tiny shirt, but you also didn't have to wear that. You could've worn something comfortable and not short but because of your stupid friends, you felt like you didn't have a choice, you regret every single action you've made ever since you became friends with Sophia. Kai made you realize that you can make your own decisions and if they do get mad and humiliate you, you will just have to be like everybody else and deal with it. Come to think about it, getting embarrassed and humiliated was a normal thing at your high school, almost every day someone got embarrassed. But because how normal it was, nobody seemed to care, you wish you could make your friends see that but your emotions and your mind are telling every bit of you to keep quiet, so you did. You still wondered every second why you couldn't just tell them to back off and why they just kept embarrassing people, was it to be popular? Probably, was it because they thought it was amusing? Probably, was it because they thought it was the right thing? You'll never know.

You and Kai finally made it to the hotel entrance and made your way into the hotel, the place wasn't as packed as you thought it would be. You had to say, it was a pretty nice and big hotel. You saw two people behind the front desk helping one family check in, and then you saw three people separately sitting on the brown leather chairs that had been formed facing each other like a square.

You and Kai found the hotel when one of the faded white buttons on the wall turned a glowing white after Kai had pressed it, once the elevators had opened Kai scooped you up into his strong arms as you shivered into his chest. You could feel the elevator moving up to the floor Kai's room was on as your eyes started to flutter shut from your tiredness, you didn't get much sleep last night because you were thinking and worrying about Kai even though you took melatonin you still woke up a little in the night to your stomach doing somersaults and flips from worrying.

You faintly heard the elevator open and Kai walking to his room with you in his arms. Once you guys get to the room Kai opens the door and walks in while kicking the door shut, because you were half asleep you could smell more the amazing scent of Kai from the hotel room and it made you more comfortable. Kai walks a towards the nice white king-sized bed and sets you down slowly and softly trying his best not to wake you, there was only one bed in the room so you and Kai would have to share but neither you or Kai minded. Kai sits on the bed right next to you and smiles his adorable smile down at you, your hair wet, your clothes soaked, and as you predicted, see through.

Kai could see the way you were moving uncomfortably on the bed from your soaked clothes so he slowly and cautiously started to unbutton your small shirt from your body seeing your chest moving up and down from your soft and even breathing. Your top was completely off of your body so in Kai's vision was your light pink lace bra that went perfect with your skin tone, his eyes widened and stared at you in awe as he removed your clothing piece by price. After your shirt he moved onto your skirt and unzipped it to pull it down your nice long legs to leave you in your light pink lace bra and panties.

After taking in your features for a few more seconds Kai had felt an uncomfortable tight feeling around where his member is while he looks down, he sees a huge bump right above his crotch and his eyes widen, he had gotten hard just by looking at you half naked. He has never gotten hard before, he quickly covers his hard giant bulge with his hand and got up from the bed and went over to the dark-brown wooden drawers to grab one of his shirts.

Once he got one of his shirts in his hand he walked back over to you and slowly lifted you up off of the bed a little bit to slip the shirt on your body, Kai's shirt went down to about mid thigh and Kai smiled at how big it was on your small figure. He move around some more until you find a comfortable position on the bed to sleep. Kai makes his way around to the other side of the bed and lays down taking a deep breath, you feel Kai's figure right next to you so you scoot yourself right next to him and lay your head on his chest.

Kai's heart melts at the site and the feeling of you immediately wanting to have him so close, he rests his hand on your thigh as he falls asleep with you against him.

To be continued....

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