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Stepping over the three dead bodies, Jess continued to have a killers feeling of annoyance to the enemy. "Matthews is such a coward..." she said, lowly.
She quietly walked on the tips of her toes to avoid much noise, the men around the fourth and fifth floor up seemed scarce and so Jess had to always be on the lookout.
A corner came, and the girl could hear two men talking lowly to one another on the other side. She pressed her fragile body against the white walls, and then the two guys rounded the corner and she sliced at the nearest one, tearing off his head and a small chunk of the shoulder. Seeing the death of his colleague the other one took it as a threat, as you would, and turned on Jess. He forcefully hit her in the face causing her to drop the Katana in shock. Hand to hand combat wasn't really her best option in this situation because of her arm. He pulled away as she swung a crazed blow at him.
Becoming forceful and generally annoyed, Jess put in most of her effort, she was preserving the rest of her energy to kill Matthews, the coward who can't fight a young girl!
She lifted her knee and kneed the guy in the crotch when he came running close, his hands had looked ready to be wrapped around her neck.
He crippled over. Jess took a hold of her Katana and stabbed him in the back, just below the left shoulder.

Then she carried on down the hall way.

The fourth floor, where the next staircase would have been was a door, a pale blue door, blocking the entrance. The door had no keyhole and she remembered that Matthews hated the idea of keys. A slot was in the wall, a very small slip of card of plastic would be able to fit through and scan themselves in.
Jess's arm pulsed in pain as she heard shouts and yells from behind her. She clutched her forearm and willed the pain to stop. Her luck didn't help her. She felt a rough hand touch her shoulder, the one of the arm that clasped her wounded arm, it shoved her so that she faced the next group of attackers.

Before Jessica had had time to blink a blow hit her face. Two arms looped themselves under her arms and tilted her back. Several men started to hit her and kick her anywhere that pleased them. Until one pulled out a gun. Jess wasn't aware of which kind it was, but all she knew was that it would hurt.
As the gun drew nearer she kicked a leg out and the gun went flying into the air! Angered the men loosened their hold on her and she used force and momentum to flick herself over the man's body. Something caught her leg and she fell against the wall as many men scrambled to fetch the gun. Her injured limb hit the wall first causing the girl to scream out in pain.
The men discarded the weapon and went back to Jess. They threw her to the hard ground and began to kick her weakening body.
Taking two, earlier retrieved, knives from her side she stabbed the two nearest feet she could get. They jumped away allowing her enough space for her to leap to her feet.
Jab, crescent kick, hook, jab again, double roundhouse kick and Jess had finally washed blackness over them as they lay in a pool of blood.
Jess returned to the door and touched it with her three middle fingers from her left hand.
She turned back to the unconscious and dead fellows and noticed a plastic card falling out of several of their pockets. She grabbed a nearby one and looked at it.

She tested it by sliding it into the slot by the door. The doorbuzzed, Jess discarded the plastic and she travelled up the staircase.

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