A Gang Of Girls.

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A week after Jessica's punishment started the more the girls stared. Jess was finding it very strange as she was used to having people stare at her but the sudden increase of the eyeing students made her feel uncomfortable, at least Jess did not have to put up with it at lunch, the time where the usual eyes of the teachers were not on guard. As Jess thought about it she trained, in a house she turned into a gym (she got the house from her dead uncle who said it should be hers when she needed a house to live in), she hit the punch bag harder and harder the more she saw the girls faces in her mind.

I couldn't just ask them could I?

Would they laugh?

This is getting strange now!

The tattered and torn punch bag flew back as she kicked it and then burst when it came back and died when her fist tightened and punched it revealing its insides.

Jess sighed and walked round the corner into another room and studied another punch bag, a brilliant, fresh black one, turned slightly grey by the dust layered on it in places. "How am I going to get this one up there?" she asked herself, talking out loud, looking back at the other burst bag still swinging on the hook. She may be strong but she wasn't that strong!


School! The six hours of the day that she felt she was weak. Again it was the same people staring left, right and centre. Mostly girls with perfect lips and dark, fake eyelashes. And mostly boys with immaculate hair and desperate girls clinging to them. Their faces were masked.

Jessica couldn't tell what they were thinking, so she turned to a girl fumbling about in her locker "Why do they stare? Do you know?" the girl turned around. She looked geeky and wore big circular glasses with braces to match on her teeth. Her short brown hair hung in a loose ponytail.
"I do not know. I had the same problem once! " she said, she had a lisp in her voice that echoed down the corridor. "But I shall tell you when I do know, " she said, Jess nodded. "What is your name?" the geek asked.

"Jessica, but call me Jess." Jess replied.

"I'm Chloe! " Chloe said. Her lisp making other students turn their way.

The girls shook hands, giving the others even more of a chance to stare, open-mouthed this time. They hurried off walking next to each other.

Six days until Jess's punishment finished and she had only been out five times. Sometimes she wouldn't get to go out as her parents were lingering around the window.

Finally she saw another chance to sneak out, her dad was at work and her Mum on the sofa down stairs, ill. Jess lowered herself down the window and climbed down the pegs. And, without turning to look back, she ran to her uncle's old house to grab her equipment.

As she reached the door she fished a single key out of her pocket. With one quick twist of her wrist the door was opened. She scurried towards a room with a wardrobe in it and took out her rough green jacket and leggings, and brown skirt. She carefully slipped into them and plaited her matching brown and green hair. Jessica glanced at the split punch bag in the main room, where the front room should have been, and walked out of the door, without giving it a second thought.

She wandered through the alleyway that she had fought the muggers in, the droplets of blood still splattered up the walls and on the dirty concrete floor. But no one but herself was in it, so Jessica jogged away. She saw a ladder attached to a tall building crawling up to the top of the colossal tower, Jess climbed up it to get a better look at the ground below. When she reached the top she realised the buildings attached to it acting like stairs, by the time she jumped down half of them her eagle eye spotted the next victim.

He was a big man with a bald head and muscles bulging through his stretchy black top, to any one else he would have looked a tough, scary, threat of a man but to Jess he was as easy to fight as an unskilled opponent. The man was talking to another guy behind a closed nightclub.

Jess hopped down the next few building-steps and by the time they were in earshot distance she sighed frustratedly. The men turned around and their eyes widened at the sight of a young girl in green and brown with a sword at each side. Then they laughed and another man joined their little group.

Jessica grew annoyed at this and ran off the building and jumped, landing on the back of the new guy with her swords driven into his back. As he fell to the ground and Jess stood up the smile was wiped from their faces and replaced by fear. They stood frozen in place, leaving a great advantage to Jessica. As she tried to perform a punch the reflexes of the beefy guy stopped it and grabbed her arm.

"What are your going to do now, little girl?" his Russian accent boomed in Jess's eardrums as he dragged her forwards and dug his muscular, thick fingers into her arm.

"This!" she screamed and she skilfully kicked him in between the legs and he keeled over in agony making groaning noises.
"Bitch!" he yelled.

Jess flung her arm out with a tightened fist and knocked the other guy in the face but as he wasn't very skilled she took him out easily. The other man wasn't as easy but not too hard as she gouged lumps out of his body with her swords, then finished him off by keeping him going until the sweat ran into his eyes and his vision went blurry then Jess snuck behind him and stabbed him in the back, he fell like a stone to the ground and she wiped her bloody swords on the checkered blue shirt he wore. Jess then left the carcasses lying on the hard, cold, concrete floor.

She ran home and threw her stuff on to the doormat of her dead uncles house, she'd sort it out later. She climbed the pegs and pulled her hair out of the plait just as her Dads car pulled up in the drive. Jessica breathed a sigh a of relief when she threw her quilt over her tired body as her Dad knocked on her door.


At school the stares turned into laughter but she ignored them by listening to the chatter of the girl by her side. "From what I've gathered so far its the clothes that you are wearing." Chloe had helped Jess to find out what the stares or laughs were about.

"Oh look, it's weirdo dresser and the geeky, little, nerd, hanging out together." Five girls hung out in the corner, after this line they were muttering things like 'No fashion sense', 'so unfashionable'. A slim girl said the irritating words, her perfect blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and she wore a pair of jeans and a pink top, she was the most popular girl in the year, maybe the other years as well. All the boys wanted her, above fifteen or below fifteen, it didn't matter. Her name was Brittany.

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