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He had his sword by his side and unfortunately, for him, so did she.

Jess took a step forwards and so did he. They drew their swords and pointed them at the enemy standing opposite each one.

They fought.

Swords slashed at the prey and metal glinted as the silver moon light caught the reflection. The Katana and the other sword's metal flashed evilly .

With her sword Jess lunged forward and the blade stabbed through the stomach of the man. A single drop of blood fell to the ground, it splashed on the stone and made a tiny red mark.

As she walked forwards, the sword dug in deeper, the man's grasp on the hilt loosened and the metal clashed to the ground.

The girl violently pulled her Katana out of the guy, and he fell to the floor on his knees.  One of his hands were on the ground and the other on the wound.

She stood straight up and looked down on him. He wore a leather like jacket with a royal blue sign on the back.

She knew she had seen this symbol somewhere before, and then knew who this one was serving.

Jess raised her sword and as she lowered it to strike below his head a bullet burst out of a barrel and hit her just below the chest!

The impact wasn't that strong so Jess swayed on her feet for only two or three seconds. But she knew that in that time she was vulnerable.

Luckily he, or she, didn't shoot again. But out of the darkness stepped thirty fit men that surrounded her in a circle. So that she couldn't get away.

Several had guns, some had blades and a few were going to rely on their skills and agility.

They surrounded Jess in a circle formation, she stood in the centre and slowly turned her head  to look at all of them; her guard was already up.

Sensing movement behind her, Jess switched her stance as she whirled around. He was closer than she thought and with no time to hesitate  she put two strong jabs into his face. There were two other men behind him that came running forward.

The one to her right got an outward crescent kick and the one on her left was elbowed in the nose and then she cross-punched him.

Taking her gun from her person, she proceeded to shoot four men and the only woman.

However, someone flew into the scene and pulled the gun from her grasp!

Jess kicked him in the legs with a basic front-kick. She then used the same technique, but higher, to knock him over by kicking him in the chest.

A few guys later, a man clamped his hand onto her shoulder and forcefully pulled her shoulder to turn her around. She changed her stance and broke his jaw with the force of her punch!

They were down to three men and Jess didn't know how it would end. She had scratches clawed across her face and a small knife cut across her forehead that spat out blood. Blue bruises were dotted around her face and her energy level had dropped rapidly.

Whereas her opponents were pretty much perfect. Like she was fighting Gods.

Wearily she put up her fists and they went viciously in for her. One knife was all she had.

One man charged at her, when he was close enough she stabbed him in the side of the neck and pushed him sideways to the floor. In this state Jess couldn't do any extreme moves. But she managed a spinning kick, which missed, and then stuck the knife in a near chest. She fell to her knees and dragged the knife through the man a little bit.

But there was one person left.

He slowly walked up to Jess's fallen body, each step seemed to last hours before the other foot left the ground. He carried a long sword, which hung by his ankles from his hand.

“You seem very strong. For a young girl. You've taken down all these people but me. And, boy, I feel honoured to kill you.” he muttered above her.

Jessica was thinking of something sarcastic to say but didn't have what it took to say it.

She raised her hand a tiny bit, and stabbed him in the foot. She twisted the blade so that it stuck in there and caused pain.

He dropped his sword and the handle fell by Jess's hand. She picked it up and stabbed him where it hurts a man.

She pulled the knife from his toes and dropped it on the floor.  She then proceeded to pick herself up and when she stood up straight she looked at him with a disgusted gaze.

“No, I feel honoured to kill you.”

Amid the screams she collected her Katana from where she dropped it in battle, and her handgun from the karcus of the one who stole it.

With that she staggered on her way.

A Girl Born To Kill.Where stories live. Discover now