The Demon Boy

978 42 3


Spencer's ‘love' for her annoyed Jessica even more than the criminals' disgusting behaviour. He would follow her but wouldn't touch her. He looked for her after school then walked with her until they reached her house.

Jessica walked out of the school building, walking quickly as she usually did. Spencer pushed passed a few people and ran to her reaching the girl as she turned the corner, hoping to escape his mentally torturous clutches.

“So, hi."

Jess remained silent.

“How are you?"

Not a sound passed her lips.

“I like your hair." he said looking at her green and brown hair tied up loosely.

“Look, I don't know what you want, but I am sure as hell I know what I want!" she finally spoke.

“And what's that?" he smirked.

“You to shut your stupid, fucking face and go away." He shut up, but he didn't leave.

They reached her house and she walked quickly in as Spencer said goodbye.


Jessica lay in her bed and watched the yellow sun rise from a crack in her curtains. When the bottom point of the golden ball had just made its way off from the horizon, she shifted herself from her bed and pulled her blood red curtains to the side and opened her window. Jess was warned that today would be a bad day by a harsh breeze whipping her tangled hair back, and tiny specks of rain splattered the glass, it reminded Jessica of when blood splattered the floor, she grinned at the thought.

She crept down her creamy carpeted stairs, not making a sound, she reached the bottom and walked into the kitchen, she made breakfast, then ate it.

Once she was ready for school she said goodbye to her parents and walked out the door. The wind hissed and howled and bit but she rebelliously carried on like nothing was happening. Jess took a shining key from her jacket and opened a door, her uncles house still smelled of hot metal and stale blood. Jess slipped into the main room and the torn punch bag had given up and the bottom had fallen to the ground spilling all it's contents onto the stone floor. So she chose shadow boxing, instead.
Jess finished training and got changed into her normal clothes, she walked out of the door and quickly locked it and hurried down the road. Where she met Spencer, he glanced at her and walked to her side.

“How are you?" he said confidently.

“Oh, I'm fine, I'm mean there's no annoying creep right next to me is there?" Jessica replied, sarcastically.

“Oh, that's good," Jess sighed frustratedly.

“Whats the matter?"

“Everything," she mutters. “Just everything."

“Okay, then." he says softly not knowing what else to say.

Jess suddenly gasps and stops walking. “ I've just realised something! There is an annoying creep right next to me!" she slaps her forehead dramatically. “How could I have not noticed it before?" Jess shouts out using sarcasm once again, and once again Spencer does not realise as he looks around ready to fight this creep.

“I don't see a creep,"

Spencer, do me a favour!"

“Yeah sure. What?"

“Just fuck off."


“Two simple little words moron Fuck Off. And don't pretend you don't know what they mean, because I will show. And, trust me, it won't be a pretty sight. Now Fuck Off." It was too late as she said this they entered the school gates.

At the beginning of break, Jess grabbed Chloe and said “ I'm going to spy on Spencer. I think he's up to something."

“Hey, ain't he the one that asked you out then got his arm injured?"

“Yep, now come on. And be quite!" she said, her voice fading into a whisper

She saw Spencer around the corner in a circle of friends, they were asking him questions.

“Its really annoying sucking up to her, and with her being a bitch about it. Guys can I just stop the dare?" he confessed, which made Jess smile happily.

“No, you cannot stop the dare! " one of the boys chipped in. Jess frowned, but at least now she knew the truth.

Spencer performed the same ritual again later that day, he caught up with Jess and she couldn't help but grin. When she looked at him his smile didn't seem as real, he began the conversation as usual with:

“How are you?"

“I'm great."


“Don't I have a right to be happy?"



“So, what happened in your life today?"

“Oh, you know. I found out that you don't really give a fuck about me."

Spencer found nothing to say so kept quiet. For a while.

“Did you hear on the news that a woman was sent to prison for shooting a guy in the chest. And attempting the murder for two boys. But then there was this girl dressed in green, who saved them." he tried to strike up a conversation, but Jess only grinned when she remembered doing that.

“OK I'll look out for that. Not because you told me to, but because I want to."

He nodded and she walked into her house, without saying goodbye.

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