Bad News In A Hospital Bed.

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Jess's eyes bolted open and she managed to take in only seconds of the environment around her before she had to close them again. After a moment of having her eyes shut again, Jess slowly raised her eyelids. There was a bright white light above her which slowly grew dimmer as she looked at it and her eyes adjusted.
When she lifted her head to look around she saw herself in a bed with a spotless, white duvet.
She was in a plain, white room with a bed table kind of thing by the side of her.
On her arms were wires and her shot arm seemed to have been treated as a dressing was wrapped around the wound. Jess sighed and put her head back, it was pretty clear where she was and she wasn't looking forward to the questioning.

The girl was unaware of how long she lay there, until a nurse entered the room, she carried a file of paper and a concerned look on her face. “I'm sorry to tell you this but we lost your unborn child in surgery. We were unaware of your pregnancy as we are sure you were and a child can't live through that kind of surgery.”
Jess remained still, staring intensely at the wall behind the skinny lady.
“Really?” Jess mumbled.
“Yes, I'm... I'm sure,” she stammered and flicked through the file. “Jessica Wallace, right?”
“Jessica.” Jess made eye contact with the woman. “Winters.” She finished off.
“Oh, I am so sorry!” The nurse began, slamming her file shut. “I'm so sorry, I-”
“Don't be. We all make mistakes.” Jess said losing eye contact and becoming interested in the wall again.
“Thank you.” she breathed and left the room.

No sooner had one nurse left another one strolled in. She too had a file.
“You are a lot stronger than we thought. When you came in early Saturday morning we thought that you wouldn't make it. Anyway, most of your injuries are minor: no broken bones, but many cuts, grazes and strong bruises. And then that.” the woman said pointing at Jess's arm with a blue Biro. The woman had curly brown hair that lay on the top of her head and a firm and string voice. “Do you know what that is?”
“Yes,” Jess breathed. She opened her mouth to explain what it was but the nurse beat her to it.
“It's a bullet hole. You were shot.” she declared.
“I know.”
“Be prepared to revisit the time when the attack happened. You are going to be questioned on it.”
Jess okayed it, the nurse checked Jessica over and then once again Jess was left on her own.

Jess listened to doors closing, people chatting, windows slamming, and just then that was all she needed.


“Jess?!” shrieked Joanne as she burst through the door. “Oh my God! My dear, are you alright?”
“Yes, right now I'm fine.”
“Are you sure?” she pressed. “You were shot. With a gun!” the woman was almost hysterical.
“Dear, I think she's fine.” Martin said, he walked through the door. He was concerned but knew that Jess's head would feel like it would explode if Joanne was kept on screeching. He gestured to a chair. “Dear, go and sit down.”
The chair was against the wall on Jess's right hand side and was opposite the door.
Joanne burst into tears the second she sat down.
“Do you know how worried we were?” she sobbed. “Alot of things happened yesterday! I'm sure one of the nurses have told you about it, if not any minute would be a good time.”
That minute another nurse entered the room. She looked sad, friendly, and vulnerable.
“Jessica, I am unaware on your knowledge of a young man called Spencer Waters, but he had apparently carried you to the ambulance that took you here. He then came to the hospital and sat outside of theatre when we had taken you into surgery.” Jess nodded.
“Well, he passed away at midday yesterday.”
Jess's jaw dropped open. That was all she could do. Spencer was gone.
“What of?” she managed after a minute or two.
“The cause is still unknown, but he seemed to know that he was dying because he carried four notes on his body. One was addressed to you.”
She held up a white envelope with her name clearly written on the front.
“Would you like to open it?” the nurse asked holding it out to Jessica.
“Okay, then.” Jess replied and gingerly took the envelope from her hand.
Whilst Jess frowned at the envelope, the woman left. Slowly, and carefully Jess opened it, and read the letter silently. As she placed it back in the envelope she smiled to herself.
She might have found Spencer annoying at first, but now it was different. Then came dreaded words.
“Jess, tell us what happened,” Joanna demanded. “The truth.”

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