Moving On (Tom)

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warnings: none

summary: Tom and Zawe broke up almost a month ago, and Zawe has already moved on to another man. Tom is absolutely heartbroken even after all this time, and can't seem to let go of her. While at Ryan Reynold's infamous fourth of july party (2021 not 2016), his best friend and co-star, Y/N, convinces him to finally move on. 


    Tom watched in despair as Zawe laughed with him. Danced with him. Kissed him.

His heart twisted with pure jealousy, longing desperately for that to be him, but he knew it would never be. She had left him almost a month ago out of nowhere. They had a healthy relationship, and Tom always made sure to treat her like a queen. He had his suspicions that the man she currently ground on has been in the picture far longer than he'd like to think about. 

Zawe locked lips with the man and that was enough for him to set his drink down and step outside.

It was almost midnight. The sky was pitch black, the ocean before him looking more like a tar pit rather than the crystal blue he had seen earlier. Ryan owned a beach house in California, and invited Tom to the party. He didn't know any people here besides Ryan, Y/N, and of course Zawe, but he definitely wouldn't be talking to her. 

He was pulled from his thoughts by a slightly buzzed Y/N stumbling through the open patio door, giggling to herself. Their eyes met and she grinned at him, "Tom! What are you doing out here? The party's in there!" She cheerfully said, walking up to him and smiling wider. 

Tom chuckled, "Too many people in one crowded muggy room."

She grimaced and they laughed together. Her face suddenly shifted and she picked up on his depressing mood. 

"Are you out here because of her?" Y/N asked, frowning. Tom sighed heavily and nodded. 

Y/N was the only one that was there for him when it happened. She was the only one that knew the entire story, really. 

Her eyes flickered into the crowded room and saw Zawe making out with some young blonde guy. She scowled and rolled her eyes.

Then, an idea struck her. She set her drink down on the table beside of Tom and slipped her cover-up off, draping it across one of the lounge chairs. Tom eyed her questioningly and she beamed at him, holding her hand out towards the englishman. 

"Let's go swimming." She offered, giving him a warm smile. 

Tom couldn't help but return the gesture and chuckled, "In the dark?"

"Yes, in the dark." 

His smile brightened at her playful tone and he slipped his suit jacket off, much to Y/N's delight. She ran towards the water and squealed happily.

Just as Tom turned around to put his jacket on the same chair as Y/N's cover, his eyes locked with Zawe's. She held a somber expression, giving him a pleading look. She was asking him to come over there to her. 

He turned his head around, watching his best friend throw water in the air and laugh to herself, then his head turned back to Zawe.

Tom had to pick between them. 

Zawe slowly shook her head no, telling him not to go to Y/N. His heart squeezed, but then tingled as he thought of Y/N. 

He looked back at Y/N and smiled as she waved him over, and he turned back around to Zawe, smirking and pulling his shirt and pants off. Tom ran down to the water and laughed loudly, the sound definitely reaching Zawe's ears, and ran up behind Y/N, wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around.

She laughed happily, "If you drop me I'll kill you Hiddleston!"

Tom set her down gently and she beamed up at him, knowing he had finally decided to try and move on from Zawe.

"I doubt that, darling." Tom teased, narrowing his eyes playfully. Y/N giggled. "I am the God of Mischief."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm the goddess of the mind stone. I could take you down easily."

"Oh? Is that so?" He questioned, tilting his head to side and crouching slightly. Her eyes widened and she took off in the other direction as he chased her. The sounds of their laughter and the splashing of water filled the air, and Tom found himself not thinking of Zawe once as they horsed around in the ocean. 

He finally caught up to her and they now stood knee-deep in the water. She looked up at him, grinning with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. Tom was grinning as well, trying to catch his breath from the running. 

He stepped closer to her hesitantly and leaned towards her, feeling the space between them thicken with tension. 

Y/N curled her arms around his neck, "See what happens when you decide to move on?"

Tom's grin softened and he pressed their foreheads together, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him. "I think I might be falling in love with you." He whispered. She smiled softly.

"I think I might just be doing the same." 

They chuckled together and Y/N's eyes fluttered open, meeting Tom's baby blues. 

"Didn't you say a while back that one of your biggest fantasies was kissing someone in the ocean?" Y/N asked, her voice softening. He had talked about it during an interview a while back, and the current circumstances were just perfect.

Tom's eyes opened and his lips parted, looking deeply into her eyes with a dreamy haze. "It is."

"Then kiss me." She whispered, gazing up at him through her lashes. His heart fluttered and he smiled, leaning down and capturing her lips sweetly. 

Her hands moved to his face and cupped his jaw as their lips moved in sync with one another. It felt as if time itself had come to a stand-still.

Once the need for air became too urgent, they pulled away, foreheads resting against one another's. Tom realized just what he had been missing out on. Y/N had been there for him- comforted him, and he had been falling in love with her the entire time. Maybe even a little before that.

"You can trust me." She whispered.

And as soon as the words left her mouth, Tom believed them.


word count: 1062

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