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Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Elena. She didn't like her. Not even a little bit. Then the other girl whatever her name was.

Giselle. Looking at Dom she blew a puff of smoke in the air."You guys are gonna get fucked up if you keep doing shit like this."

She muttered looking at the top of the warehouse. "What do you know?" Elena said.

"Wanna come over here and find out?" Mercy asked getting up."Hey ladies lets not okay?"

Roman says getting between the two. "Come on jump you know you want too." Mercy threatened.

Elena walked closer."Ill drop you fast." The cop said."Fucking do it then." Mercy said glaring.

Dom looked over."Mercy." His deep voice made her look over."Drop it." She glared and walked over.

"We talk about it later." She whispered before walking off."What was that all about?"

Mia questioned."She always has been that way to other women her and Letty never liked them."

Dom said setting the file down."Now the plan-"
"You fucked a cop!" Her rage was loud as she glared at the man before her."Letty was dead and you were-"

She slapped him. Clean across the face."until death do us part or did it not matter after Letty died?"

Tears welled up in her eyes."It wasn't like that I just you both were gone and I was grieving!"

He yelled. She felt her rage boil inside of her."Me nor Letty would ever do that not if you were dead or gone and you-"

She turned away from him."I can't even look at you!" She was so angry.Dom stood he felt so much guilt.

"Well I guess these rings mean nothing to you then? She asked holding her finger. She looked at the gleaming rings.

"You know I love you both I made a mistake." He said looking at her. She turned towards him.

"I will keep my rings and my chains in Lettys name but you, you Dom Toretto where done."

She said looking at him."You don't mean it." He said anger in his tone."Oh and here before I forget the thing I was gonna give to you when I didn't know you cheated on me."

She said shoving it to his chest. He took it and opened it. It was a small box though when he opened it he found a sock.

A baby sock. "Your pregnant?" He asked. She nodded."I thought for once I could rest with you but it seems you've done plenty of that."

She said bitterly."Please Mi more don't do this." He said softly. She glared at him."The day Letty comes back from the grave is the day ill take you back."

She spat her tone filled with nothing but anger as she stormed out of the room. At that moment all Dom felt was guilt.

It was like his second wife died in his hands and he was the one who held the knife.

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