A Looker

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Jessica and Elaine got up from the bed in giggles, drugging Marie to one of the full length vanity mirrors patched on the wall on either sides of Jessica's dressing table.

She gasped.

She had to admit, she looked good!

Even with her tiny body that had stopped growing when she was twelve after her trauma. Her beasts had just started showing in preparation for her teenage bloom, which now were two pointy.... Uuuh... Circle? That showed due the tightness of the dress and the flimsy fabric.

The dress she wore complimented her tiny body perfectly. A grey dress with a pink strip running diagonally across the bottom half of the dress that flared smoothly, giving her imaginary curves. The belt she adorned, made her look as though she actually had a desirable figure. Her hair that was usually shoulder length long, was given extensions, made wavy making it look voluminous and reached her mid back.

She looked taller in her heels and she didn't feel as insignificant as she usually did with her 5'2 less than average height.

Jessica and Elaine were staring at her expectantly, waiting for her to react.

"well.... " she said turning around to check her behind." not bad. "

She petted the sides of her hair, "I'll only put up with it because I don't look so bad."

The two girls squealed jumping around like idiots.

That was all the complement they were ever going to get and it was good enough.

"I'll admit, she's a looker." Elaine said staring at Marie's tiny oval shaped face, though still rounded, with her full dark red lips, dark blue eyes, and dirt brown hair, she would grow into a very stunning woman.

"duh! She's my mate's sister. If it wasn't for the incident she'd be a stunner!" Jessica replied without thinking.

Mentioning that incident was something forbidden in the Silver Creek territory. All pack members were compelled, alpha orders to never speak of it, even thinking it was forbidden. It was a tragic event that left many scared and grieving.

But that was before Jessica showed up. She might not be compelled by her mate, but she knew better. and as soon as the words left her mouth she realised her mistake and she froze.

The pack would always be on tiptoes around Marie to avoid anything that would trigger her memory of that day.

"what's the mystery incident anyway?" Elaine asked oblivious of the change in the atmosphere.

Marie studiously did her best to not think of the incident that changed her life's cause which always made her moods worse and sometimes awaken her wolf, which was a no-no.

During those episodes she would attack anyone and everyone with the intention to kill, it's never pretty.

After she had left the study, her wolf had somewhat gone back to sleep. But now she was waking up, fully, with every thought of what had happened that fateful evening. Somehow, with her wolf fighting the wolves bane in her system, it had somehow won and she was sure her system was now clean of it, in merely seven hours as opposed to the normal twelve hours that it was supposed to cover.

Maybe she should ignore the alpha King's suggestion and take another dose.

'No!' her wolf practically screamed in her head.

Marie flinched in surprise and at the intensity of her tone. She started to panic.

The last time she heard her wolf speak clearly was before the incident and it felt like a new experience now and she wondered what her wolf would do next, usually, she went into defensive mode.

'Go to mate! Mate protect us.'

"what!?" Marie said out loud not understanding a word the thing was uttering.

Jessica ran to her thinking the retort was response to her statement. "I'm so sorry Marie." she said near tears. "I didn't mean to. I forgot." she said near tears.

'want mate! Go to mate'

"shut up! There's no such thing!" Marie said out loud to her wolf making Jessica to recoil sharply, releasing a sob, thinking it was meant for her.

Her brother burst into the room, looking at the three of them, Marie looked out of it, Jessica in tears and Elaine looked gob smacked shocked.

"what's wrong?" he asked touching Marie on the shoulder to bring bring her to focus.

"your mate is crying but - "

"my wolf spoke to me!"

Both Marie and Elaine started with Elaine trying to defend Jessica who stopped crying when she heard Marie's statement.

"what?" Jessica asked her voice thick gaining Marie's attention.

"why are you crying?" Marie asked frowning at her wet face.

"oh!" Jessica said finally understanding that Marie hadn't been talking to her.

She knew Marie was mean but never outright insensitive. She smiled wiping her tears.

"oh my god!" Elaine said frustrated after observing their erratic changing moods. "you guys are so weird and obviously understand each other better than the rest of us." she shouted storming out.

"why are you shouting." Marie shouted after her. "and she thinks we're the weird ones!" she scoffed.

"I don't understand why your wolf is acting out, I can feel her agitation, but I don't sense any violent energy from her. Strange... "

Jude walked to Jessica's side hugging her by the shoulder. "and why are you crying again..." he gave her a teasing smile, which then then turned wicked as he leaned to kiss her.

"oh no you don't! I'm still right here!" she huffed, leaving the room.

"Hey! I'm not done with you."Jude shouted after her. "what's wrong with your wolf!"

"she wants something! Am going to find it." was what she said before banging the door.

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