Whenever You're Ready Princess...

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Marie awoke the next morning with a bladder screaming for release.
With her eyes still closed she climbed off her bed scratching at her butt in a very unattractive manly way while yawning like a hippo gaping on water.
The first step off her bed she tripped on something large  lying astray on the foot of her bed. Releasing a helpless scream on her way down to the floor, she heard that 'something' groan as she fell in a heap on the floor.
Jude and Jessica were on their way to breakfast, just closing their bedroom door which was but five meters away, and across from Marie's, when they heard a scream followed by a thump. He threw the door open to reveal a Marie crucified to the floor face down and an alpha King clinging to his family jewellery in pain, Marie's feet only inches away from his priced possession.
"what on earth is going on here ?!" Jude exclaimed

Marie rolled around to face the ceiling, groaning in pain. "I told you to leave me alone... Not sneak into my room."
"did you have to step on your baby maker to make the point?" Jax complained.
"you were sleeping on my floor! Who invented you in here?!" Marie whined.
"what else did you expect me to do, you wouldn't talk to me!"
Marie sat up threw him a dirty look. "with a reason!"
"I told you it was a misunderstanding, I didn't mean it like that..." Jax said exasperated, for the umpteenth time. "I usually tend to speak to my wolf quite personally... that's what happened. I was just a little confused because I'd met you before, and I didn't recognise you as my mate."
"well whatever, I gotta pee."
All this while Jude stood there observing. "tell tell me it's not what am thinking?"
"yeah, Marie just tripped on his junk?" Jessica exclaimed humorously but Jude threw her a look that said, that is definitely not what I was thinking.
Jax who now sat at the edge of the bed threw them an irritated look.
That didn't faze Jude for he continued, "My sister is not up for that kind of relationship. You can't claim her! I won't allow it!" Jude left before he could respond but he heard the growl as Jessica trailed behind him back to their room.
When secured inside, Jude released a frustrated growl. "That is the worst pairing Marie could have gotten! Marie needs someone tender and understanding, and loving... From what I have heard, he is none of that! An absolute brute! And after what happened last night... I will not allow it! I will not hand my Marie to that Monster! NEVER!" he rambled on. "I can't believe this! He'll only break her further! Marie doesn't need this, he-he he's an alpha, a damn alpha King! They are not known for their patience! Or their loving ways, he's a warrior! Argh!" he pulled at his hair in frustration.
"Jude, I think you're overreacting. Mates always care for each other, I don't see how their pairing would be any different."
"you don't understand, Marie is special, she's different. People don't get her, the royal Park won't give an effing about her or what she needs, and that mate of hers..." he sat on the bed and he was near tears prompting Jessica to give him a hug and try to sooth away his fears.
"Ssh! It's okay." she rubbed his back tenderly.
"what will I do." he sounded defeated. "I can't protect her from him. He's the strongest wolf alive, and the royal Park..." he could go against that! "what will I do Jessica?"
"shhh it'll be fine, just wait and see."

When the four met for breakfast downstairs, it was as tense as though they were on a treaty negotiations table instead of the kitchen counter.
Jax and Jude glared at each other aggressively, while Marie stared at them passively munching at dry cereal giving a crunching sound every now and then.
Jessica busied herself with making breakfast pretending not to feel the thick tension in the air that you could practically taste, and smell, and even cut into! Or maybe that was the breakfast she was cooking. She even threw in a humming tune, as though that would make it any less awkward.
Jax sat too close to Marie for comfort but her wolf thought otherwise, she was as calm as she had never been which was not very comforting to the least, for Marie herself.
"when are you leaving?" Jude asked with distaste in his tone ending the numbing silence.
"My father wants to leave this evening." Jax answered with an equal attitude.
"well good. As soon as you leave everything can go back to normal."
Marie didn't like the sound of that.
But Jax added, "but haven't decided when, but I guess we'll leave as soon as my mate is ready."  Jax said too sweetly, in Marie's opinion but it was enough speed her heart.
Jude who was seated on the opposite side of the counter where Jessica gave her cooking way too much attention, again, in Marie's opinion, lunged across the table to reach out for Jax, who in turn, stood up ready to engage.
"CUT IT OUT!" Marie screamed at them irritated. "I'm in no mood for a rerun of pretty little liars this morning!"
Jude sat back down his face turning red. He throws Jax a glare. "she's not going anywhere."
"who's going to stop me!" Jax coaxes back.
"over my dead body will she leave this place."
"that's not such a hard task to achieve for my mate."
"I'm going to rip your throat out a§h*le!"
"Am ready whenever you're ready Princess!"
Jessica went and pressed the bell on the kitchen wall shouting, "breakfast is ready!" soon everyone would be down and they'll be forced to act civil.
"finally! I thought I was gonna have to listen to these two grandmas bickering all day long!!"
Some pack omegas came into the kitchen picking up the food that had been prepared taking it to the dining as everyone who spent the night in the alpha's house started to gather at the dining for breakfast.

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