the end

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an angel stole my heart
no i gave my heart away
he pulled the trigger but he would've missed me if i didn't throw myself away

an angel changed my heart
it became a lot bigger
i was able to change for the better, he changed me forever

an angel touched my heart
he had me on his chokehold
i barely escaped from his reins and survived the freezing cold.

an angel broke my heart
then i ripped it to pieces
even beyond the pain, i chose to touch the thorns of his roses

it was my choice
it was mine not anyone's voice
it was all me
i did it all, do you hear me?

in the end,
it was me, not him or anybody
and this marks the end of this story
and the beginning of you and me.

T H A N K  Y O U  F O R  R E A D I N G !

T H A N K  Y O U  F O R  R E A D I N G !

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An Angel Broke My Heart [ poetry ]Where stories live. Discover now