Part 17

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*****NORMAL POV*****

I woke up sitting in a big empty warehouse tied to a chair and groaned.

"Hello?" I called out confused as to where I was. Someone came walking in and huffed a laugh.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said seeing him and he walked over to me and tightly gripped my chin.

"You think this is a game Eve?" He asked and I groaned and he let my chin go.
"Tom, this is the biggest joke actually. You get let go from being a shield agent so you kidnap me? What good do you honestly think that will do?" I asked.

"They will come after you." Tom said and I groaned.

"No they won't, they don't even know where I was going! Before I left I removed all the trackers and I disabled any traffic camera with in a 100-mile radius of the compound." I said. I had done that, it had nothing to do with the flash drive. I really didn't want to be followed.

"Oh she is awake." I heard another voice say and saw another recently let go shield agent Max.

"Wow, you guys just barking up the wrong tree taking the wrong person." I said and shook my head. I hear Tom explain to Max about the cameras and trackers.

"So they only knew you left but not where you were going?" Max asked.

"I didn't even know where I was going!" I said loudly. He came over and smacked me.

"Don't get an attitude." He said and I laughed again.

"I am so over this. Give me a phone, I'll call Tony now and tell him I was kidnapped and where I am. You want a fight with the avengers I'll let you have it, I don't care." I said annoyed.

"We just want our flash drive back." Tom said and I sighed.

"Ah, now I get it." I said annoyed.

"I cracked that thing guys and in my note when I left told Fury where to get it from my desk. Whatever was on it they will find." I said and they groaned. Max backhanded me and I groaned.

"We had so much info on that flash drive! Contacts, private info on each avengers, private life info." Max said.

"That not true." I muttered out.

"What?" Max asked.

"You forget I said I cracked it. I saw the way deep encrypted. You had info on one avenger in particular. You had so much info on Natasha and everything about her time in the red room and after. I scrubbed that from the flash drive." I said and Max groaned and pulled out his gun and pointed it at me.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?!" Max yelled in my face.

"Yeah deleted info on my friend so you cant use it against her!" I yelled back.

"It wasn't our info to have! We were supposed to meet someone and give it to her! She wanted into on Romanoff." Tom said.
"Too bad! And why take me if you wanted Romanoff?" I asked.

"Like we said, we thought they would come after you if you were being tracked." Tom said.

"Plan failed." I said with a smile. Before I could be anymore cocky I was being knocked out again. I wasn't sure how long I had been out but I heard a lot of arguing and someone talking in a Russian accent and I wasn't sure what was going on but I acted like I was still out and just listen.

"I told you I just wanted info on her not to kidnap someone!" They lady with the accent said pissed off.

"And to kidnap someone who doesn't even matter! What the hell?!" She yelled. I peeked out and saw she was yelling at Tom and Max.

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