author's note

500 6 1

⚠️Please, for the love of good, click off the story if you dont want to read anything cringey.⚠️

First and foremost, thank you to all of the people that read this story, its a very old and cringey ass one. It wasn't beta read, to the point where grammatical and spelling errors are popping up left and right.

This story is already 5-8 years old. I made this when I was 13 years old, so I apologize for the mistakes, and for the cringey ideas. Although cringe worthy, I dont want to put it away since it was a huge part of my childhood self, typing away in a busted computer, thinking my ideas were hot shit. Lmao it wasn't.

To the people that are sending death threats and mocking this, please stop. I get it, you dont like this story, you can always exit it? It's one tap or a click away. Please stop dming me death threats and mocking the shit out of me. I get it, its cringey. I'm sorry, but please, it's not okay.

Alright, now that's out of the way, let's start with the basic questions in the story:

1. Why have the characters have sex at 13? Okay, to be completely honest, I've always read shitty things here in wattpad and thought I could add a bit of twist on it. I was very impressionable and I never really experienced anything of that sort when I was 13 and expressed it instead in this story. I never really understood the whole idea of having sex and being pregnant has huge consequences in life, aside from UwU baby Aesthetic.  So, I apologize for my naiveness and ignorance on the topic. I'm not saying that Im idiotic enough to not know there are consequences, but at that age I really did romanticized the idea which is sooo fucking wrong. This is why I give a lot of kudos to the fanfic writers now, cause even though a lot of them are mc'nasty atleast they know the consequences of doing those things and engrave them in their stories.

I really dont know at that time the extent of being pregnant and raising a child on your own has consequences and responsibilities that me as a 21 year old would cower at the drop of a hat.

To all teenage mother's out there, we salute you and we hope the best for you guys.

2. Does this mean you support teenage pregnancy? I support teenage mothers, but I don't support getting pregnant as a teen tho. There's a fine line between supporting and respecting people, and not really advising people to do the same? Do you guys get it? I can't really explain it. I hope you guys don't twist my words. 

3. Where's the 2nd book? Yeah, no. A lot of shit happened that made me drop this book altogether. ie: Death threats, the mocking, me not wanting to touch this book within 10 feet, etc etc.

Yeah, thats all I could say. I dont want to name names in this story, but to those who are mocking and sending death threats, you know who you are. I hope you understand how fucked up you guys are for saying shitty things like that.

I hope you guys have a lovely day, lmao.

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