Chapter- 2 Sasuke's Disappearance

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Chapter- 2 Sasuke’s Disappearance

(A/N: )

I don't own Naruto. SHOCKING!!


HOLY SH*T!! I never knew this was depressing as I almost knew. All I want to say for this chapter is.. Poor sasuke.

And ooohhh... remember what I said. I can kill anyone in this story and I mean anyone?.. well I was really serious about it.

So, Review.

Review, Review and ooohh... REVIEW!!

Flying Mint Bunny says i Wuv you~ (obviouslyahetaliafan)

-Ciao!!- *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Remember: this was only made because I was bored and I was currently in this fandomness.



Sasuke’s Disappearance is hard to take in.


It was far by an interesting afternoon for Sasuke, After taking a looooonnnggggg  bath, Sasuke decided to have a stroll in the park.

It was just another normal afternoon in Konoha. The birds were chirping, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and…. He can’t take his mind off his blonde rival/slash/best friend. Sasuke gritted his teeth and ran a hand through his hair. Oh and one more thing, he’s limping.

‘I wonder if that blonde dobe has gotten over it yet. I mean, it’s only a one night stand right?’ Sasuke thought, apparently so, The said Uzumaki indeed have forgotten everything that happen to them. Well not really.. Naruto only thought that he was only one of those guys who he thought the Uchicha had slept with. How dead wrong he is. You see, my dear fellow readers.. Sasuke’s a virgin. Yup. A virgin. So that’s why while Sasuke was strolling in the park he was limping. He enjoyed the peaceful silence when a familiar screech was heard.

“SASUKE-KUN!!”  Sakura squealed, he faced the pinkette slowly and froze. “Neh, Sasuke what happened to you, It’s like you’ve seen a ghost.” Sakura pouted, Sasuke frowned and began walking faster than before. Sakura placed a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder and spoke. “Sasuke-kun? Why are you limping?” Sakura ask, her eyes full of worry. “None of your business” he said while making hand signals and  vanished like thin air. Sakura only sighed and began walking towards the opposite way of the road.


It was already a week and Sasuke began feeling weird..things. Naruto and Sasuke already had an alliance back and agreed to NEVER ever speak of the ‘accident’.

Sasuke opened his eyes and was now standing, but a wave of nausea hit him stumbling towards the Bathroom. It was already 4 days when he first encountered the illness and he doesn’t really have the guts to go to one of  those famous hospitals in Konoha (known for having thousands of patients) He really hate the atmosphere there.

He got up after throwing everything that he ate in the bathroom and left for training. He really needs to see a doctor after training, even though he hates it.

---------------Training grounds-------------

“I’m here, sorry I’m late” Kakashi-sensei said while smiling sheepishly under his mask.

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