Chapter-3 A soon destruction

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Chapter-3 A soon destruction

(A/N: )

Let’s just say if I own Naruto, he would be screwing Sasuke now.


Preggy Sasuke is a Cute Sasuke. All I want to say for this chapter is.. *speechless*

Yooohhhoooo... remember what I said, kay?

 I can kill anyone in this story and I mean anyone..

So, Review.

Review, Review and ooohh... REVIEW!!

Have a burger!!


-PAALAM! - *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Remember: this was only made because I was bored and I was currently in this fandomness.



A soon Destruction to Konoha


(Sasuke’s Pov)

I've been here in the Sound Village for only a two months. It's the beginning of the New Year and this wasn't what I wanted for a New Years resolution. I was with Orochimaru for some revenge business, and now, I can’t even train any further cause of passing out or worse even vomiting!!

I want to let them see what’s happening to me ,and why the hell do I always have this strange feeling near my gut?! "Aren’tYour not having fun aren’t you. Sasuke?" Orochimaru said, I glared at him and kabuto and Orochimaru only smirked at me.

"Damn right I'm not," I snapped at him. "What the hell is going on? Why am I always vomiting, and passing out, when I’m over doing myself?" I yelled at him.

He just ignored me and turned to Kabuto. "Just put him under and we'll start," I heard him say.

"Start? Start what? What are you going to do to me? Huh?" I shouted/asked. He left the room and Kabuto went over to

some machine by my bed.

"Calm down Sasuke," He had the nerve to tell me while he was getting something together.

"Calm down? Why would I calm down when this strange THING in front of me? I only said check up! Not having my organs for dinner?!" I shouted at them.

Kabuto didn't say anything, instead, he got a gas mask and was about to bring it to my face. "It would be really helpful if

you cooperated and not fight it," Kabuto said as he was bringing to closer to me.

I turned my face the other way. I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"Hold still," he said trying to get it trying to get me to breathe in the anesthesia.

"Fine, be that way," Kabuto said and he pulled back. What was he planning?

Then I felt a pinch on my arm. I instantly turned my head to see and he use a needle and drugged me. That bastard.

Then I felt myself getting really numb and really tried. Kabuto smirked again and went back to the gas mask and placed it over my face.

"It'll all be over really soon," those were the last words that I heard him say and a blacked out from the anesthesia.


Now I felt groggy from waking up. My mind isn't clear. Where the hell am I anyway?

“O-oh, I see. Your awake now, eh, Sasuke?” kabuto said, His hands were fidgeting, even Orochimaru was Smiling.. creepily. “Okay, what the fuck did you do to me now?” I ask , “uhmm.. We did nothing, Sasuke. It’s just that we saw something inside your stomach.” Kabuto said. “it’s not something!! It’s someone!!” Orochimaru Chirped.

“what the fuck are you talking about??!!” I screeched, both of them faced me and Orochimaru beamed,

“You are pregnant Sasuke and it's with Naruto's own child!!”



“.....” stare

Reaction in




"hahahahahahahaha. You’re kidding me, right?"

I said trying to act calm, but seriously, that was funny. I rose from my bed and grabbed my shirt and faced them, “No, we weren’t.” Kabuto said. “My suspicions were right. The vomiting, The headaches, mood swings, cravings. You are 100% pregnant, S’uke~”  Orochimaru squealed, and that pissed me off, “Who told you to give me nick names?! And NO! I won’t keep it!!It would be a road block in my way!!!” I said, both of them stared at each other and faced me again. “You gotta be considering this Sasuke, This kid is really powerful and you can use it against Itachi, This kid is a spawn of the most powerful person and villain in the world!- That’s you and Naruto. So please re-consider, You can avenge AND revive your clan.” Orochimaru said, and I took a peek at my belly and sighed. “I guess It can’t be helped, huh?” I said, and they beamed. “Yay!! Let’s get going!!” Orochimaru said.

(No one’s POV)

But Sasuke Never knew that Orochimaru has a sadistic (or masochistic) idea that is lingering on his mind.

‘The child would be a beautiful Storm of  destruction to Konoha.’ he thought

(A/n) So, How was it? I know, I never knew that chapter 3 would end shity like this.

Anyway, please forgive me for the OOCness and the wrong spellings and for the small chapie!! And stay tuned for more, cause Things are still heating, And ooohhhh… review!!

but either way, And yes, Their are twins inside of Sasuke's Body, I'll tell you the details on how on Earth did h have a Naruto's spawn inside of him later on. But right Now...


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