Chapter- 5 Happy birthday

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Chapter- 5 Happy birthday

(A/N: )

I do not own Naruto, It’s beginning to sound really stupid.


All I want to say for this chapter is.. sasuke’s really OOC.. (Orz)

NOW remember what I said..

 I can kill anyone in this story and I mean anyone..

So, Review.

Review, Review and ooohh... REVIEW!!



-BYE! - *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Remember: this was only made because I was bored and I was currently in this fandomness.



Happy birthday to my babies


5 months, 4 days, 8 hours, 27 minutes and 7sec.

Sasuke left the Sound city and discovered a secret hide out in Konoha. It was a cave that no one really knew and when you went inside it, there was a beautiful meadow. Full of green grass, bushes, a river, flowers and more. It is really peaceful and you can’t detect any chakra from here. He rubs his swollen stomach and smiled, ‘This is good for my babies.’ He thought.


Megumi Emerald Masaomi, is strolling in her ‘Secret’ Cave, no one came here, because it’s pretty invisible to the naked eye. Well except to the one who needs it anyway. “Neh, Baby-chan and Baby-kun. I wish we could live here.” An unfamiliar voice said. Megumi was startled and came on running towards the said voice. “who are you?!!” she said, her electricity jutsu was now in use. “Please, Don’t hurt me, I just want some place to rest. And for my soon to be kids.” The boy said. She glanced at the boys stomach and her eyes widened. “You’re pregnant?!” she said, he smiled softly and nodded. “how was that even possible?” she said, The raven haired boy only smiled. “I’ll tell you later on.” He said, feeling bad for the pregnant man, Emerald smiled softly and offered him a hand. “Neh, you could stay here if you like but please don’t tell anyone about the place.” She said, and the raven haired boy nodded, she smiled and helped the boy with his stuff. “By the way, My name is Megumi. Megumi Emerald Masaomi” The raven haired boy smile and replied a simple. “I hope I can trust you with my name so I’ll tell you.. My name is Sasuke. Sasuke Uchicha.”


4 months later….

“Ne, Sasuke-kun. What will be your daughter and Son’s name?” Megumi asks while planting corn on the back of their hut. Sasuke who was currently in their backyard sitting and eating a banana. “ hmm… since his father was kind of foxy, Kitsune’s a good name for the girl and I like the name Ryuu for the boy, since it means Mighty Dragon and Something.” He said, The brown haired girl nodded in reply and went beside the Raven’s side. “Okay, what would their last name be?” she said. “Uchicha of course.” He said, the girl beside him only smiled and patted his head, “Neh, Sasuke. I know this is pretty early but…” she trailed off and Sasuke only faced her with confusion. “What is it, Megumi- nee- chan?” he asks. “uhm, can I be the Kid’s Aunt? PLEASE??!!” she said, Sasuke only smiled and nodded, God How he hated his hormones now, His acting really soft, But nether less nodded. His stomach was as big as two basketballs joined together. The green eyed girl smiled and ‘whoop’ed. He then laughed while getting up but then.. “A-Aw..” he said while clutching his stomach.  “Me-megumi –nee-chan..” he trailed off, “Ehh.. Sasuke-kun. Daijobou?” she said while placing a hand on his back. “M-megume..CHAAAAAAAAA!!!” Megumi’s eyes widened, Sasuke was now about to gave birth. “Sasuke-kun, use your Sexy jutsu!!!” she said, Sasuke nodded and did some hand signs, and turned into a girl, his- err her.. hair is long that it reaches on her hips, and she has this petite figure. Megumi gawked at the image but pushed the thought away. Sasuke’s water bag then broke, and water was then realesed. “Okay, c’mon!!” She picked Sasuke up bridal style (A/n: remember she’s 16 AND Sasuke’s 13. She could easily pick the raven up, she’s really strong.) . She then placed him on his bed and tore his pants apart. She then sat in front of sasuke’s legs. “okay, Sasuke-chan, breath in, and out okay?!” Sasuke nodded while he moaned in pain. “Okay, when I say push. Push.” She said, Sasuke then nodded. “Okay. one, two, three. PUSH!!!” Sasuke then Obeyed, He then pushed, “AAHHH!!!” he screamed, Megumi looked at him and then to his uh.. vagina, she then saw something, “IT’S THE HEAD! SASUKE, PUSH MORE!!” she said, “Okay, Sasuke. ONE TWO THREE!! PUSH!!” she said and he obeyed, Megumi glanced at sasuke and brought her gaze back at the baby, the head then got out. “Holy shit!! It came out!! One more push and the baby would go out!!”  she said and he obeyed, “One, two, three, PUSH!” and with that the baby got out, Sasuke who was still clutching the covers of the bed was panting. Megumi watched at the baby and said” It’s a boy.” She then began to clear the baby’s mouth so the baby could cry, and thank god It cried. Sasuke groaned again and Screamed, Megumi totally forgot about the other baby. Megumi who was startled, placed the other crying baby on the other bed, She made some hand signs and a triple her then appeared, “Okay, Me no. 1. Go and get some towel and lukewarm water, me no. 2. Carry the baby! And me no. 3 Assist me here! Now go!” They then went to do they’re assisted task. “Okay, sasuke kun, when I say push, you push okay?! Now.. PUSH!!!”


After the breath taking scene. Two healthy baby twins were born with Blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and pale white skin. Sasuke who was exhausted was sleeping, 4 Megumi’s were gathered and went to form into one. “Ne, M-megumi-nee-chan..” A hoarse voice said. Megumi faced the voice and smile, “It’s okay Sasuke-kun. Do you want to feed them? You’re in your Sexy Jutsu form anyway.” She said, sasuke nodded and smiled watching his new born babies. Painfully reminding him about Naruto. 

“Happy birthday, to you my precious ones.”


 Meanwhile with Naruto

Naruto, Sai, and Sakura were walking towards the training grounds when suddenly, Naruto began glowing his eyes glowed a deep shade of orange.

“Naruto?” Sakura asks, their eyes on the Blonde boy.

“I want my kits” he said, his voice is filled with hoarseness and possessiveness.

“Pardon?” Sai said. Naruto’s now orange orbs met Onyx ones.

“I said, I WANT MY KITS!” and with that, Naruto fell Unconscious.

(A/n) So, how was it? I don’t know how to make intense action scenes!! (orz)

Anyway, please forgive me for the OOCness and the wrong spellings and for the small chapie!! And stay tuned for more, cause Things are still heating.. Soo.. REVIEW!!


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