Chapter-4 Killing you slowly

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Chapter-4 Killing you slowly

(A/N: )

I do not own Naruto, cause if I did.. Kitsune and Ryuu would be born.


All I want to say for this chapter is.. 2p Sasuke is an awesome Sasuke.

NOW remember what I said..

 I can kill anyone in this story and I mean anyone..

So, Review.

Review, Review and ooohh... REVIEW!!

Let’s drink tea *sips*!!



-Sayonara! - *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Remember: this was only made because I was bored and I was currently in this fandomness.



Killing you slowly is much more fun.


Naruto made his way towards Team 7’s training ground, He was more sluggish than usual, and there were bags under his eyes and – damn!! He looks like a zombie!

It was already 4 months, 7 days, 5 hours and 20 minutes since Sasuke had run away… And yes Naruto was and still is counting.

In the training grounds, Sakura and Naruto sat by in one of the trees of the training ground, both are depressed. Since Sakura never knew what had happen to Sasuke, she left the thought that sasuke went somewhere else, he really had a crush on Sasuke .. but the boy never really liked her or even notice her like that! She sighed while looking at her team mate. Naruto, in the other hand,is far more depressed than Sakura. He wants to kill his self for saying such mean thing to Sasuke. Well you could say that again, I mean- that was a dick move to be exact. (I think I already wrote this on the other chapter).

The pair sat there for a couple of minutes of comfortable silence. That is when Kakashi- sensei appeared. “Hey, guys. Sorry I’m late..” He said. Both of his students merely nodded and lazily rose up from their positions. “Okay, now.

We have Sasuke’s new substitute” Both Sakura and Naruto’s head perked up after hearing the name Sasuke. "Here he is, Sai come'ere" he said to someone, And a boy appeared beside Kakashi- sensei. A boy that looks like Sasuke.

“Hi, My name’s Sai. What’s yours?” he asks.


Meanwhile with Sasuke

Sasuke is currently playing with his new released PSP, Since Orochimaru and kabuto told him that it would be better to play games in some technological device than train, so it wouldn’t really endanger the baby and so He wouldn’t be bored. He looks at his big swollen stomach and sighed. ‘If this brat wouldn’t help me with my revenge. I’ll kill it.’ He thought, unknowingly rubbing his swollen stomach.

“Neh, Sasuke.” Kabuto said while knocking on Sasuke’s door. “What?” he said flatly. “Let’s see your baby.” He replied, sasuke faced the white haired man and glared. “What do you mean?” he said. “Sasuke, we are going to see the baby, if it’s healthy or not, and we will see if it’s a girl or a boy.” Kabuto said. Sasuke only sighed and went with Kabuto. He IS really excited to see the baby.


“There it is Sasuke!!And…OOOHHH it’s A BOY!” Orochimaru said, his voice full of glee. “Oh how cute!!” he said while pointing at the screen where the baby was pictured to be. “wait a minute. How the hell did I not see this?” kabuto said, frowning. “what is it?” Sasuke said. “You have twins inside you Sasuke. It’s a boy AND a girl.” He said, making Orochimaru smile. Sasuke only smiled.

 “hey, Orochimaru, How the hell did I even got pregnant anyway?” Sasuke asked, his eyes full of confusion “With shinobi's enhanced charkas, you can pretty much do anything nowadays,

Including getting a guy pregnant.” Orochimaru said, sasuke only snorted and frowned. “okay, thanks, let’s go.” He said while pulling his shirt back on. “But first let’s eat some Tomato flavored Ramen.” He smiled.


Sasuke was now in his room reading some parental guide books while slowly drinking his apple with Tomato fruit beside it juice. When suddenly. “Are you sure about your decision, Orochimaru-sama?” A familiar voice said, His voice sounded like a scream/whisper. Sasuke got out of his bed and put his ear on the door to hear the conversation better. “SHHH!! He might here you! and yes I’m sure about it. I would steal the children away from him and Seal it. Those two must have possessed something valuable for us. Those kids are really worth my time and space. I need those kids for my revenge to konoha. You would help me right?” he asked, kabuto smirked and nodded, “Things are better that way”.

Meanwhile on the other room Sasuke was clenching his fist, He couldn’t imagine orochimaru for doing this kind of things to him, and by the very best LYING TO HIM!! How dare he!!?? That’s why, he was going to kill him, TONIGHT.


11:30 PM, and everyone is already asleep, well except for Sasuke, he went inside Orochimaru’s Room while holding a dagger in his back, his usual black pajamas are on him. “Neh, Orochimaru.” Sasuke said, acting  like his scared. “Hmm…Ah. Yes, S’uke.” He said and Sasuke was twitching, thank god the lights were all off. “Ehem.. Uh.. C-Can I sleep with you t-tonight?” he said, and orochimaru grinned, “of course Sasuke. What happened anyway?” he said. “pregnant hormones got me.” He said calmly, and went towards Orochimaru’s bed. “you can sleep beside me.” Orochimaru said, while facing the other side of the bed. “O-okay, he said while slowly getting the dagger out,  “Neh, Orochimaru.” He said and brought his lips near his ear. “I wonder what your funeral would look like.” And with that he slit Orochimaru’s throat and proceeded on stabbing him multiple times until the Man snake was dead. “That’s what you get for lying to me.” He said, He got out of Orochimaru’s room and went to Kabuto’s room, and tied the Unconscious Kabuto in the bed.  Slowly enough, kabuto opened his eyes and faced the pregnant Sasuke that is full of blood, “  you will never still my children away from me.” Kabuto’s eyes widened and struggled to let go, “I have performed dark magic before Kabuto-san~ That’s why that rope is enchanted.” He said, Kabuto only sneered in reply, there’s no such thing as Magic.” Kabuto said, Sasuke only smirked, and began torturing the white haired man, “Please, k-kill me already.” He pleaded, Sasuke only smirk and

Leaned over his ear, “Killing you slowly is much more fun.”

(A/n) So, how was it? I know, I never knew that chapter 4 would end a little DARK like this. Anyway, please forgive me for the OOCness and the wrong spellings and for the small chapie!! And stay tuned for more, cause Things are still heating. This sucks, but hey REVIEW!!!


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