Chapter- 8 I'm your father..

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Chapter- 8 I'm your father..

(A/N: )

If I do own Naruto the conversations would be like this:

Naruto: Sasuke!! Come back to Konoha!!

Sasuke: Why would I?

Naruto: Cause.. I need you..

Sasuke: pffttt.. yeah right.

Naruto: And I wouldn't make you an UKE anymore.

Sasuke: *twich twich*


Sakura: Sasuke-kun's gay!?

Sai: Uke means small d*ck right?!

-currently hidding- Kitsune: *sweatdrop*)


Sorry for the horrible disclaimer.

All I want to say for this chapter is.. Usuratonkachi is still an idiotic dobe.

NOW remember what I said..

I can kill anyone in this story and I mean anyone..

So, Review.

Review, Review and ooohh... REVIEW!

You F@#$%&*, Bastardo!!


-BYE! - *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_

Remember: this was only made because I was bored and I was currently in this fandomness.



I'm your father.. Well fuck you but we don't really care.


On behind bars the Uchicha twins wimpered slightly, their body was shaking and their grip of the iron bars harden, both Uchichas glared at the guards who were cowering slightly at the two pair of Uchicha's eyes that was glaring at them. "Why on Earth would be the Uchicha's be dishonored here in Konoha, let alone be put in prison?!" Ryuu screamed, creating the halls of the dungeon echoe. "I mean, who the hell does that?!" He continued..but his semi-rant soon faltered when the

Doors leading towards the open world, soon began to open and someone then entered... The Hokage. Their eyes harden and glared at the said blonde. "What do you want?" Ryuu asks, his orbs turned into blood red ones with 3 swirling tomas in it. "What do you want from us?" Kitsune asks, her bangs covering her eyes. "All I want is some information about your..father, Sasuke Uchicha." The blonde man said, both Uchicha's glare harden every moment. "And why would Our father be Sasuke Uchicha?!" Ryuu asks, clearly lying. The Blonde Hokage only rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. "Seriously,your horrible at lying. Tell me." he said, both Uchicha's went silent until they smriked, "Tell us why you banned the Uhichas, First." Kitsune sneered her hair turned slowly into jet black. "Fine, Its because of Sasuke's rebell." He said, both Uchichas faced each other and back at the Hokage. "Do tell.." they both said.

Frashback brougth to you by Japan *hetaria*:

7 years ago...

Naruto and Sasuke was on the battlefield fighting over one another. "Sasuke! please!! Come back to Konoha!" Naruto said while clutching his heart, ever since Sasuke went missing, Naruto is always in the verge of having a heart attack. "And why would I?" Sasuke said while smirking. "Cause I need YOU!!" Naruto said tears are falling now from his eyes,Sasuke only snorted and crossed his arms. "Yeah, and Who did you bet me with? Kiba again?" he said, Naruto gritted his teeth, his cheeks flushed pink. "We both know that I never really meant that!" he screamed, Sasuke as quick as lightning came and placed a hand on Naruto's side and Whispered. "I never really needed you, all I need is revenge." he said, While Naruto felt his heart was torn apart. How the hell did that bastard got unto his heart anyway? "please, just come back to me- I mean us... Come back to Konoha please." he said, and Sasuke pretty much smirked his way out, Still planning on how to avenge their clan and not planing on comming back to Konoha anytime soon.

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