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James awakes to slight tossing and turning. He fumbles awake slowly, the low rustling of Regulus moving about greeting his ears. "Darling?" James rasps, his voice husky and low, deep with sleep. "Are you okay?" He inquires as he blinks his eyes open.

Regulus groans quietly in response. This startles James and he pops his eyes open more, adjusting to the darkness. Through the darkness, James can see Regulus shuffling, distressed.

"I...I don't feel so good," Regulus mumbles in response, his voice a soft whimper. James watches how his face seems to twist with his words.

James instantly sits up, suddenly becoming a lot more awake, reaching for his bedside table lamp. "What's happening? What hurts?" He immediately assess the situation, watching over Regulus with concerned eyes.

Regulus simply shakes his head, pressing a hand to his bump. "Mmh, just braxton hicks, I think," He mutters a reply. Regulus shakily looks up to face James.

James gives him a questioning glance. "Are you sure, love?"

Regulus nods, squeezing his eyes shut in the process. "M'sure, James. She isn't due for another while, it should be fine, right? She'd be early if I were to have her now, hon," He reminds quietly.

"Should be?" James arches an eyebrow.

Regulus blinks his large grey eyes open. "Turn the light off, you're hurting my eyes and your baby is hurting my bladder," He smirks halfheartedly.

James smirks back, switching off the light before shimmying down to Regulus' side, wrapping an arm around him gently, placing a palm over his bump. "Wake me up if it gets any worse, alright?"

Regulus simply hums in response, snuggling closer into his boyfriend's warm and comforting embrace, inhaling the familiar scent of James. "Yeah," He hums, sucking in a breath of air. "Yeah, I will,"

The pair do not go back to sleep. Well, Regulus doesn't. He had tried to, he really had, but the small cramps had only continued to pester him. James softly snores for a little bit, which Regulus hadn't minded for once.

Regulus sits up, hastily, his vision a blur. "James! James?" He whispers, his voice pain filled. He reaches out to tap his sleeping boyfriend.

James jerks a little in his sleep before his brown eyes are fluttering open, sleep ridden and hazy. "Mmh?" He hums softly. His voice is gruff from sleep. "What's the matter?" He questions, his words knitting together.

Regulus takes a shaky breath before glancing at his boyfriend. "I...I, uh, I just don't feel so good right now, hon," He manages.

In an instant, James is sitting up right, a hand on Regulus' bump. "Yeah?" He inquires. "In...in what way?" A combination of anxiety and cold dread fill his tone.

"I don't know," Regulus whispers. "Something doesn't feel right,"

James hauls the duvets off of their bodies and rises to his feet. He wears a worrisome expression as he rumages around for their hospital bag, the one they had packed a mere few weeks before; just incase. Neither realized they would be needing it so soon.

"Okay, okay," James mumurs. "Just breath for me, sweetheart. Everything's going to be alright,"

Regulus shakes his head, the shrill sensation of fear beginning to set in. "No, no, James," He utters. "Its...its way too early. She's not due until January," He whispers shakily.

James crosses the room, placing his hands firmly on Regulus' trembling shoulders. "Love, I...I know, but it's going to be okay. I promise, it'll all be okay. I'll ring Pete to come stay with the boys and I'll get us to the hospital, and...and we'll see what they can do, alright?"

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