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"Hello, hello," Peter's voice is cheery on the other end of the phone; tired, perhaps the boy's had woken him up far too early, but cheery all the same.

"Hi, mate," James greets. A tired smile hinders his tone. "How're things going? The boys behaving?"

"Nobody's drawn on the walls yet, so I feel like they are behaving," Peter laughs softly. "They didn't really get why I was sleeping over, or why you and Regulus weren't home, so I had to explain to them where you both were. They're really excited about their little sister being here, but they miss you both so much, y'know,"

"That's alright, I don't mind that you told them," James says. "Are you and the boys up? Listen, the baby's here; but because she was premature, they're keeping her and Reg for a little while. He's really bothered about it, she's in an incubator and he hasn't got to see her yet. He's really worried, quite a bit upset. I was hoping you'd be able to put the boys on the phone for us? Just to try cheer Reg up a bit," He says. "I hate seeing him like this,"

"Course, mate. Of course, I'll go round them up," Peter replies quickly. "Ah, shit, I'm so sorry, I'm sure the littlest Potter will be just fine, Prongs, so will Reg. Trust me, they'll be alright,"

James smiles weakly. "Thanks, I really appreciate it," He answers. "We don't even know if they'll make it home for Christmas,"

"Prongs, buddy, you've just got to have a little faith in Christmas magic. It'll be okay. If there's anything either of you need, don't hesitate to ask. I'm at yours now, I can drop over whatever you need me to," Peter offers.

There is noise in the background and James immediately knows that the noise belongs to his sons. He can't help but grin wildly at this. "Boys, your daddy's on the phone, he and mummy want to talk to you. Mind abandoning the jigsaw for a moment?" Peter chuckles.

James immediately hears the hollaring and the excitement and he can not stop his grin from expanding. He can hear them, his three little boys, cheers of Mummy! Daddy! echo down the line.

"Hold on, I'm going to go back to Reg's room," James says softly as he trudges down the hallway, towards Regulus' room, a cup of tea in his free hand for his lovely boyfriend. "He'll be really happy to get to talk to the boys,"

As soon as James is inside, he grins to his boyfriend. "I have three very special little boys who want to talk to you, hon,"

At this, Regulus perks up immediately. "Oh, James, really?" He smiles tiredly.

James hands Regulus his tea, before nodding and ducking his head down to plant a tender kiss to Regulus' cheek. "They miss you, y'know,"

Regulus smiles. His smile is weary and drowsy. "I miss them too," His voice croaks.

James puts his phone on speaker and leaves it sitting between them as Peter hands the phone to Theo, which would be hilarious if James and Regulus had been there to witness it. "Mummy? Daddy?" Theo speaks into the phone.

"Hi, baby, hi," Regulus speaks. "I hope you're being good for uncle Peter, huh?"

"Yes, yes," Theo answers instantly. "We're all gonna make Christmas cookies later!"

Max interrupts him quickly. "I'm gonna keep a load for when you get to come home, mummy," He cheers. He pauses before, "Daddy?"

"Yes, lovey?"

"When are you and mummy and our sister coming home? So the cookies don't get too cold when you're not here?"

Max's small voice makes James feel as though his heart is shattering. He feels a sinking feeling take over, and when he looks to Regulus, his steely grey eyes are watering ever so slightly.

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